Relocation and expatriate guide to Angola and Lunada - Go and live, study and work in the angola with the Expat Club in Angola
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Angola Welcome
A Guide to living and working in Angola
A guide, with information, advice and useful addresses

Angola Welcome

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1 - Political Status

Angola is a People's Republic. The constitution was adopted on 15th November 1975 and modified in October 1976, September 1990 and March 1991.

Executive power is in the hands of the President of the Republic, who is elected by universal suffrage for a five year term of office. The present President, nominated by the MPLA (Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola) is José Eduardo Dos Santos, born on 28th August 1942. He took power on 20th September 1979, replacing Agostinho di Neto who died on 10th September 1979.
The Vice President is Jonas Savimbi from the UNITA party.

Legislative power is held by the National Assembly (220 seats + 3 reserved for Angolans from other countries).
There are 18 provinces.

The Angolan army (FAA) is made up of 20,000 soldiers and a riot police with 30-40,000 men.

The political parties are :
-MPLA-PT : the Angolan Popular Liberation Movement / Labour Party, created in 1956
-FNLA : the Angolan National Liberation Front, created in 1962
-UNITA : the National Union for the total independence of Angola, created in 1966

Short historical outline :
In 13th century Angola was called the kingdom of Kongo, the capital was Mbanza (later Sao Salvador) 1482 : the country is discovered by Diogo Cao
1484 : the coast is occupied by the Portuguese
1574 : the country adopts the name of the king N'Gola
In 16th century Portuguese trading stations were set up
In 17th century Angola was a centre of the slave trade. When the Spanish took possession of America, opening the route to the slave trade, the Portuguese took on the role of suppliers of labour for South America.
1617 : King N'Gola is decapitated
1641 : arrival of the Dutch, chased out by the Brazilians in 1648
1656 : treaty of independence of Ndongo
1705 : with the aid of the clergy King Pedro IV takes power
1956 : founding of the MPLA party
1957 : founding of the FLNA party
1961 : rebellion, murder of 2000 whites, 10,000 people were killed in revenge, thousands of Angolans fled to the Congo
1966 : founding of the UNITA party
1972 : Supreme council of liberation formed with the President Roberto Holden
1974 : confrontations between blacks and whites (35 dead in July)
1975 : transition government, independence, civil war. 400,000 Portuguese leave the country. South African intervention. Independence.

Since independence
1975 : Agostinho di Neto (1922-79) President of the Republic
1975-1991 : 230,000 dead, 1 million displaced people, 10,000 children sent to Cuba for training
1976 : several thousand dead, coffee plantations destroyed
1977 : failed coup attempt in Luanda (20,000 dead)
1978 : the FAPLA (regular army of 30,000 men) and the Cubans (23,000 men) fight UNITA
1981-82 : South African raids
1988 : South African bombing
1991 : multi-party law passed. United Nations supervision. The Estoril agreements between Dos Santos and Savimbi.
1992 : Legislative and presidential elections, Mr Dos Santos wins them, the results are contested by Savimbi who starts the war again
1994 : peace treaties signed in Lusaka (Zambia), between Dos Santos and Savimbi
1995 : the peace agreement is broken (signed between the goverment army chiefs and UNITA). Meeting in Lusaka between Dos Santos and Savimbi for a reconciliation.
1996 : Fernando José de Franca Dias Van Dunem is nominated Prime Minister.
2 - Geographical situation
Angola is the biggest country south of the Sahara. It is situated between the equator and the Tropic of Capricorn, between the Congo and Namibia on the west coast of southern Africa.
The capital is Luanda.

The geographical relief rises gradually from the coast to the interior, reaching a height of 2620 m at Mt Morro Moco. There is an Angolan plateau.

The total surface of Angola is 1,246,700 sq. kms. including the Cabinda zone. From north to south it stretches 1277 kms and from west to east 1236 kms. The region of Cabina, off which are the petrol fields, was occupied by Angola in 1975 with Cuban-Soviet aid. This enclave, separated from Angola by a strip of land belonging to the Congo Republic with the southern boundary which follows the estuary of the Zaire River, has a surface of 7270 sq.kms. and 300,000 inhabitants.

The main rivers are the Zaire and the Kwango in the north, and from north to south the rivers Cuanza, Cunene Cubango, Cuito, Cuandro, Lungue Bungo (tributary of the Zambeze) Cassai and Cuilo.

The main provinces are :  Zaire - Uige - Malanie - North Lunda - South Lunda - Moxico - Cuando Cubango - Cunen - Nambe - Huila Huambo - Benguela- Bengo - North Cuanza - South Cuanza.

The main game reserves are : in the west, the Ambriz and the Namibia parks, in the east the National Park of Cangandola, Mupa and Cameia.

3 - Economy & statistics
Angola's economic life is marked from years of civil war.

Its economy has been devastated by a soviet-style regime and a total absence of capital. The growth of economic activity has fallen by 35%. All the economic sectors have been touched and the perspectives depend entirely on severe political measures.

In spite of the foreign currency revenues from petrol and diamonds, the population's situation is catastrophic : 3 million people live from humanitarian aid; food shortages menace most of the provinces. Entire parts of the country are completely isolated, the roads are in such a bad condition. The rising prices are out of control. Life expectancy is only 42 and one and a half million children live way under the poverty threshhold. Most investments and reforms are frozen. The Angolan leaders have used more than half of the money coming in from petrol to buy arms and at the same time corruption has cut down tax revenues dramatically.

As well as trying to control the economy the government is attempting to get financial backing from western international organizations and private investors. The main preoccupation of the Angolan economic institutions is to relaunch the economic activity of the country.

The government has adopted liberal methods to develope partnerships with local and international companies in numerous domains. A process of privatization which has been started by the government, will hopefully dynamize the local economy and the principle companies concerned.

The return of Portuguese companies and massive investment from South Africa are major assets in the country's developement perspectives.

There are very few French companies permanently installed in Angola.

The basic foodstuffs like rice and oil have become more difficult to find and more expensive since the expulsion of West African shopkeepers.

External trade
(in billions of dollars)






balance of trade

(Source: Atlas éco 2001)

 Imports come from the United States : 17.1%, Japan : 2.3%, the European Union : 53.6% (19.8% comes from Portugal), Africa : 12.6%

Division of GDP by activity sector

Agriculture : 12.3%
Industry : 5.7%
Mining : 45.8%
Services :36.3%

(in billions of dollars, except GNP per capita in dollars) 


Gross National Product


PNB par habitant


croiss.volume du PIB


aide (+ ou -)


dette extérieure brute


taux d'inflation


taux d'intérêt


recettes touristiques


investissement étrangers


cours US dollar

(Source: Atlas éco 2001)

General information

Purchasing power parity (PPP)

1200 dollars

GNP growth 1990-1997

-10% per capita per annum

Households with PPP+$30000pa

35 000 = 1.5%

Households with PPP +$15000pa

95 000 = 4%

Households with PPP -$5000 pa

1 830 000 = 9%

4 - Agriculture
Before Angola was ravaged by civil war it had a prosperous agriculture and was one of the leading African producers of coffee and fruit. On the high plateaus the soil was very fertile, strawberries grew all the year round.

Today the agriculture has been reduced to a few food crops which are not even enough to cover the population's needs.

(livestock in millions of head, timber in millions of m3, other products in millions of tons)








sugar cane



















(Source: Atlas éco 2001)

5 - Industries & mining

Petrol and diamonds : the core of the war. If you compare the amount of petrol and diamonds and other precious minerals that it produces with its low number of inhabitants Angola should be the richest country in Africa, but thirty odd years of civil war have totally bled the country dry.

In 1973 950,000 tons of manganese were extracted, as well as copper, iron (the Assigna region), uranium, natural bitumen.

In 1999 Angola claims to have produced diamonds for a value of 614 million dollars, but most analysts estimate that the amount is exaggerated. Since January 2000 Ascorp, which is the government organism in charge of controlling the diamond trade, is dealing with the transactions.

UNITA exploits most of the diamond mines. Qualified labour is rare.
The main mine is Cuongo.

After the United Nations peace mission had been declared a failure, the Security Council adopted a new strategy to defuse the Angolan conflict by decreeing in July 1998 an embargo on the diamond exports of the Angolan rebels. But by October 1999 the UN experts in charge of following up the sanctions against UNITA concluded that the embargo had failed. The diamonds now go through other diverted channels (West Africa, southern Africa). The giant De Beers went one further than the UN and decreed unilaterally in October 1999 an embargo on all the Angolese production, legal or not, and on other African countries as well.

Angola is the second biggest petrol producer in Black Africa after Nigeria with nearly 650,000 barrels a day. Its attractive petrol policies concerning foreign partners has developed its offshore drilling. The petrol revenues in 1999 came to 4.5 billion dollars and represent 90% of the public revenue.

(in millions of tons : diamonds in thousands of carats) 





(Source: Atlas éco 2001)

Some industries exist manufacturing wood products, paper, sugar, gas, cement and metal containers.

7 - Population The population of 12,001,430 is composed of 37% Ovumbundus, 25% Kimbundus, 13% Bakongos and 2% Mestizos (mixed blood).

Population of working age (15-65) : 6 million
Population working : 4.8 million, 27% in industry and services

Growth rate : 2.90 %
Population density : 10 inhab./km2
0-14 year olds : 47.55%
15-64 year olds : 49.57%
65 years and over : 2.88%
reproduction rate : 6.74%
life expectancy : 46.5 ans
urban population : 32.92%

Level of developement (latest available figures)

demographic growth 1997-2015 (%) : +2.7
infant mortality (%) : 12.5
energy consumption per capita TOE : 0.53
population without drinking water (% pop) : 69
population without sanitary installations (% pop) : 60
n° of doctors per 1000 inhabitants : 0.1
n° of telephone lines per 1000 inhabitants : 5
n° of mobile phones per 1000 inhabitants : 1
n° of private cars per 1000 inhabitants : 18
n° of computers per 1000 inhabitants : 0.7
adult illiteracy (%) : 65e
secondary schooling/age group (%) : 11.8
graduates/age group (%) : 1

8 - Language
Portuguese, Ombundu, Kimbundu and Kikongo are spoken.

9 - Religion
Several religions are practised in the country :
- Roman Catholics 38 %
- Protestants 15%
- tribal religions 47%

10 - Weights, measures & voltage
The metric system is in use.
11 - Money
: kwanza (= 100 Iweis)
Exchange rate : 100 AOA = 67,251 FRF
Exchange regime: floating exchange rate since 24/05/99. On 13/12/99 the new kwanza (AOA) was introduced, equal to 1 million old kwanzas (OAR)
12 - Main towns
is the capital of Angola. An international port and airport, it has 1,600,000 inhabitants.
Other main towns : Huambo, 200,000 inhabitants. Benguela, 155,000 inhabitants. Lobito, 150,000 inhabitants. Lubango, 105,000 inhabitants. 
13 - Climate

The Angolan climate has two predominant seasons : the dry season and the rainy season.

Dry season (May to September) :
On the coastal plain the climate is dominated by fog (due to the cold Benguela current) which takes away a lot of the sun. This season is however the best for travelling as the heat is much more bearable.

Be careful in the regions of Malange and the Lucala Falls which are situated on the plateau : it is not rare that huge temperature differences are recorded between night and day (it sometimes even freezes very early in the morning). It is also very cold during the night in the mountain chain along the coast.

If you want to visit the game parks (Cameia, Luando, Milando, etc.) the best period is from mid-August to December.

Rainy season (October to April) :
On the extension of the Namibean desert, in the southern part of Angola, there is nearly no rain.
The rainfall is heavier and heavier the more you penetrate into the interior of the country. Sometimes the rainy season is interrupted around the region of Luanda by a short dry period called the "little cacimbo".

« Little cacimbo » : a dry and stuffy period which affects the high regions and the southern coast. The sea on the southern part of the coast is cooled by the cold Benguela current.

In the north in the Cabinda region (between Zaire and Congo) the rainfall is heavier than in Luanda. The sky is often overcast.

Temperature averages (max/min)
.........................................J ...........F ..........M .........A ........M ........J ..........J ........A .......S ..........O........... N ........D
Cangamba (1 325 m) ..29/17 ...29/17 ...31/17 ...32/14 ...32/11 ...30/9 ...28/8 ...31/8 ...32/13 ...31/15 ...29/16 ..29/16
Enclave de Cabinda ..30/23 ...31/23 ...31/23 ...30/23 ...29/23 ...26/21 ..26/18 .26/19 .27/21 ..28/23 ...29/23 ..28/23
Huambo (1 700 m) .....25/14 ...25/14 ...25/15 ...25/14 ...26/11 ...25/8 ....25/8 ...27/10 .29/13 ..27/14 ...25/14 ...25/15
Luanda .......................30/24 ...31/24 ...31/24 ...31/24 ...29/23 ...27/30 ..24/18 ..24/18 .26/20 ..28/22 ...29/23 ..30/23
Moçâdemes ...............26/18 ...28/20 ...29/21... 28/19 ...25/15 ...22/14.. 20/13 ..21/14 .22/15 ..23/16 ...26/17 ..26/18
Sea Temperatures: monthly average

............................J.... F.... M... A... .M.... J..... J..... A.... S.... O.... N.... D
Luanda ............26 ...27 ...27 ...27 ...26 ...23 ...22 ...21 ...22 ...24 ...25 ...25
Moçâdemes ....21 ...22 ...24 ...24 ...22 ...19 ...18 ...17 ...18 ...19 ...20 ...21
14 - Insects & animals
There are mosquitoes everywhere in the country which are particularly active after nightfall

15 - Working in the country

Before leaving
You should take Portuguese lessons, or improve your level. The quality of job you would like to have may depend on how well you speak the language.

With a French or international company
If your employer is a French or international company you don't have to worry about formalities. Usually the administrative services deal with all the formalities concerning the expatriate staff. Unless you are the only representative of your company in the country (sales representative, or in charge of a liaising office ...), in this case you will have to deal with the formalities yourself.

Preparing for your departure and looking for a job :
You can start searching for information by writing to French associations established in the country, economic expansion services, commercial services of foreign banks in France and French banks abroad.

The French consulate usually has a service dealing with jobs and training, student grants and reinsertion in France, and they can put you in touch with local enterprises who are willing to accept French personnel.

 (See also in the Practical Guide for the Expatriate).

The French Chamber of Commerce also offers information about the job market, the most dynamic sectors of the economy, and edits a bulletin for French companies and local members. You could publish a job application in this bulletin.

Documents about the country are usually available in the cultural service of the Angolan Embassy in Paris.

While you are hunting for information you could contact companies directly by sending a spontaneous candidacy proposing your services.

The international departments of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry often have information about the country available. Directories and useful dossiers from the country can be helpful in getting information on sectors of activity and the local economic life.

Where to find job offers :
In the French press (Le Monde, Le France Soir, Figaro, Moniteur du Bâtiment,...) for French companies sending people abroad.

In the international press, in nearly all the bigger dailies there exists a page or a selection of job offers (The European, The Guardian, Vacature, Coriere della Sera, The Geneva Tribunal ..)

Leading recruitment bureaus in Europe, and interim companies sometimes offer international jobs.

There are several data banks specializing in job offers abroad on Internet which are easily accessible.

Writing your CV and covering letter :
Your dossier is a determining element towards being recruited, it is the first step towards obtaining an interview.

The CV should be very clear, typewritten, detailled, preferably written in English and it should be accompanied by a handwritten covering letter. Certain countries do not accord much importance to handwriting, but it is advisable to write the letter by hand whichever country it is addressed to.

If the company is French or the subsidiary of a French company, the CV and the covering letter should still be written in the language of the country.

Don't forget to attach a recent photo, preferably one where you are smiling.

Your CV should be detailled, and have the addresses and phone numbers of ex-employers on it so that the company can easily verify the main points of your candidacy. This can save you from sending a pile of photocopies and documents with it. You can always present these documents later during an interview if necessary.

If you are thinking of sending a false CV, you should know that a study from the Florian Mantione Institute shows that 45% of the employers check up on CVs, that 34% of the candidates are eliminated during this verification and that 60% of the verifications are made with the previous employer.
Whatever your reasons for 'adapting' your CV to suit the ad, be warned that it won't help you during the interview and could even cause you prejudice.

The questions to ask yourself before an expatriation :
What exactly is the job?
What is the length of the contract?
Is it for the whole family or with bachelor conditions?
What kind of life will you have locally?
Have you thought about when you get back, how you will manage financially to fit in again?
Do you have the necessaries qualities to be an expatriate?

Qualities you need to succeed :
emotional stability (so you can react quickly in any situation)
autonomy (you can make decisions on your own in any circumstance)
being mobile and being available for your job, being able to relocate quickly
being good at meeting people (don't forget that the expatriate is also an ambassador for his country whether in his professional or his social life.
being adaptable (you can easily adapt to different cultures, climates and life styles. )
being able to accept and understand different cultures and cultural differences
tolerance and respect of other people's way of life and way of living should be a natural part of your character.

Your family and recruiting :
Your partner should have the same ambitions as you. It is often an important factor in choosing an expatriate.
In fact some recruitment bureaus or big firms when they are recruiting, specially for long term projects, insist on having an interview with the wife to check that there are no problems in the couple which could get worse abroad and maybe disturb the mission.
Companies often propose that the whole family goes together so that a good family balance is kept.

During the recruiting :
Punctuality and precision are appreciated everywhere. Be on time for your appointments.

Be well dressed for your interview, whatever kind of job you are trying for. Your appearance will weigh with the interviewer.

First interviews are often very short but can last several hours if your candidacy is interesting, depending on the post offered, and if you have to do any psychotechnical (graphological analysis) or aptitude tests.

Be careful not to appear pretentious about your know-how and don't exaggerate your professional competence.

Don't forget that nowadays the job market is a chronic problem nearly all over the world, so take an interview appointment seriously, jobs are not easy to come by.

Emphasize your real competence, your ease of adaption, your mobility, your ability to work in a team, your readiness to pool your experience.

The company and the expatriate :
A lot of countries abroad like to have, and to show that they have, expatriates on their staff.
International personnel often bring in experience and knowledge which can be very advantageous for a company.

Salaries - Salary requirements :
If the candidate doesn't know the prospective country, it isn't always easy to negotiate a salary, especially if the amount has already been mentionned on the ad.
However, there is nothing to stop you from showing your previous salary and from discussing the salary offered. The recruiting agent or the employer may appreciate knowing what for you is the minimum.
The standard of living that you find abroad is not always similar to the one you know in your own country and sometimes if the salary is much higher you will find that the cost of living is also.
This is one of the reasons, and there are several, including social security conditions, why it is better to go abroad with a French company.
French companies sending people overseas budget for differences in the cost of living. They can reassure the expatriate that his purchasing power will at least be the same as in France.
The 'basic French salary' can be paid either in France or abroad, it is usually a choice, and an allowance is paid for living expenses (accomodation, food,...) This compensation is based on the cost of living in the country.

(see the page in the expatriate guide)
If you are employed locally you will have to pay taxes in the country.
If you have an international contract your salary can be negotiated free of taxes.
In some countries income tax is deducted at source by the company.

Accomodation - company car - other fringe benefits :
It is nearly impossible to negotiate for a company house if you are employed locally. Getting a car depends on your job and your level in the company.
In a local company it will be very difficult to negotiate a paid return ticket to France every year.
There again, if you are an expatriate working for a French company you will get fringe benefits, a house, car, travel allowance, return flights to France ...
Usually international contracts give 15 days leave in France every 3 months.

Working conditions :
These are the local ones with all the attenuating advantages and disadvantages if you are working for a local company.
The expatriate is often considered as an immigrant and has to deal himself with the local formalities.

On the administrative side the expatriate does not have to worry about the formalities concerning the police, customs, immigration, income tax, visa or consular declaration. French or European companies abroad always have an administrative department which completes all the formalities for its personnel and deals with any problems which could arise.

Foreign companies remain subject to the laws of the country in which they are working.

Attitude towards foreign investment
The lowest limit for a foreign investor is fixed a 250,000 dollars. Fiscal and customs duties advantages can be accorded, but there are still some restraints : it is forbidden to invest in certain domains such as defence or in some sectors reserved for the State (port administration ...)

Other activities have to be controlled by the State (mostly public) or open to foreign operators via temporary concessions.
The level of technical training is very low.

16 - Formalities
necessary for everyone except Angolan citizens who have an identity card marked 'born in Angola'.

Visa necessary for everyone, Angolans included, except for
- transit passengers who don't leave the airport
This visa is delivered by the Angolan representatives in Brussels, Luxemburg, Holland, France (Paris), Italy (Rome), Portugal (Lisbon), Sweden (Stockhom)

Exit permit is also necessary for all visitors. To be asked on arrival from the same authorities who gave the entry permit. 
17 - Health
A risk of malaria all year, more particularly from November to April. Take a treatment with you - there exists a resistence to Nivaquine and Chloroquine.

Vaccinations :
Yellow fever : obligatory.
Cholera : obligatory

Household pets (cats and dogs) must have an anti-rabies shot.

Medicine :
Anti-diarrhea, only drink water that has been boiled and disinfected, or filtered or bottled water with a sealed cap.

Wash fruit and vegetables in disinfected water and only eat well cooked foodstuffs.

Precautions :
It is a good idea to take a medical kit with you which should contain :
1 - instruments : pointed scissors, thermometer, tweezers, safety pin, syringes and sterile needles.
2 - antiseptics and dressings : a local antiseptic, sterile compresses, plasters, a crepe bandage, antibiotic cream, antiseptic eyedrops.
3 - medicine : anti-malaria tablets and treatment, antidiarrhea pills, paracetamol, wide acting antibiotics, anti-allergics (if you are prone to allergies), a sleeping draught and any other pills that you take regularly.
4 - various : water sterilization tablets (Micropure, Hydroclonazone), sun cream, antispectic cream, ear plugs, contraceptives.

19 -Time differences
The time difference with France is 0 in winter and +1 hour in summer.
 18 - Transport
The Paris-Luanda flight lasts 9 hours.

The national airline is the Linhas Aereas of Angola.

Internal transport :
Angola has nine new airports (among which is Luanda International)
three important sea ports (Luanda : 1,100,000 tons, Cabinda and Lobito-Benguela)
2,800 kms of railway
and 80,000 kms of roads, 9,000 of which are tarmac
20 - Telecommunications

Telephone :

There are 48,900 telephones in the country.

To phone Angola from France : dial 00 244 + the town code + the n° of your correspondent
Luanda = 2

Press/Newspapers :
Leading Angolan daily : « O Jornal de Angola » (daily : 50,000 copies)
Rua Raihna Jinga, 13-24 - CP 1312 LUANDA. : tel 33 16 19.
 21 - Airport
Angola has nine new airports (among which is Luanda International)

22 - Car rental
Luanda - Tel.32658 /32681
Airport - Tel. 391 398

All Avis cars are completely equipped, have done less than 15,000 kms and have an average age of 3 months. The vehicles are carefully prepared and checked between each rental using a procedure containing 7 obligatory control points. The cars are rented with a full tank.
Renting from Avis automatically means that the car passengers, renter and/or driver are covered by a third party insurance as well as an insurance covering repatriation and the immobilization of the vehicule in case of an accident.

You can reserve a car :
- from your travel agent
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Avis has an interactive network worldwide, a client can reserve a car instantly from anywhere in the world.

We recommend that you pay your rental using your accredited Avis card or with another credit card accepted by Avis : American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Diners.
Through a simple free membership system, Avis gives identity and/or payment cards, which are a real help for a rapid and efficient service.

REASSURING : No on-line payment, you can pay Avis directly at the agency when you return the car
RAPID : Avis has the quickest car rental reservation service on the web
ECONOMICAL : The cheapest rates on the market are available on the Avis microsite
COMPLETE : You can rent a car anywhere in the world.
The Avis network : 5000 agencies in 172 countries, is now on-line!
EFFICIENT : Find your town (you don't have to fill in the country), enter the date and click on estimate
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You can even rent a vehicle at the last minute just round the corner or ... on the other side of the world.

23 - Hotels

The hotels which have a star-classing system are quite reasonably priced.

Le Presidente Meridien Luanda - 4 de Fevereiro, BP 5791 (5 stars),
184 rooms, 304 beds
 24 - Your suitcase

Take light clothing and neutral colours if you visit the game parks. Also a light sweater or jacket for airconditionning or cooler evenings.

Take good walking shoes.

 26 - Banks
Banco Nacional de Angola/Direçao Operaçoes Internacionais

Foreign exchange regime
Commercial banks can negotiate with their clients or for their own benefit the buying or the sale of foreign currency at a freely chosen rate. Classical procedures permit companies to repatriate their profits, after authorisation from the National Bank, the latter having the monopoly on transfers.
In reality, the reserves of strong foreign currencies held by the Central Bank are at their lowest level and companies have to wait longer and longer. This feeds the foreign currency black market. The difference between the official rate and the black market rate of the national currency is growing, and it reached a bit over 20% in mid-September.
27 - Schools The French School of Luanda
 28 - Guides
- Guide Atlas Jeune Afrique du Continent Africain.

- Quid.
29 - Observations

Accomodation and food
Expatriate accomodation is difficult to find, of bad quality and very expensive.
Foodstuff is getting easier to find.

Security is extremely bad.

Customs clearance
It takes on average 4 to 5 days if the necessary documents to clear the goods are given to the forwarding agent at least 3 days before the ship arrives.

30 - Useful Addresses Useful addresses in France

Embassy of Angola
19 avenue Foch - 75116 Paris
Tel. 01 45 01 58 20 - Fax. 01 45 00 33 71 / 01 45 02 14 39 - Telex EMPARIS 649847F

Consulate of Angola
40 rue Chalgrin - 75116 Paris
Tel. 01 45 01 96 94

UNESCO Angolan delegation
1 rue Miollis - 75015 Paris
Tel. 01 45 67 57 48

Embassy of Angola
122 rue Salvador Allende - 92000 Nanterre
Tel. 01 47 73 61 43

Permanent Angolan delegation at UNESCO
124 Bd Bineau - 92200 Neuilly sur Seine
Tel. 01 47 45 70 08

Useful addresses in Angola


Le Presidente Meridien
5* Luxe
Managed by the Ministry of Commerce of Angola
4 de Fevereiro - BP 5791 - Luanda - Angola
Tel. 244-2/334134 - Tfax. 244-2/331141


French School of Luanda
35-37 rue Paiva Conceiro - CP 707 - Luanda - Angola
Tel. (2442) 340 675
(pre-school, primary, secondary 1st and 2nd cycle)

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