Guide for expatriates moving, living and working in Canada, Quebec City Guide, international Movers Toronto, aparthotel Ottawa,
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Canada Welcome
Guide for living, study and working in Canada
A guide, information, advice and useful addresses to be able to leave well-informed.
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Canada Welcome

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Working in Canada

If you find a job get information on the social cover, medical and pension schemes.
Their health and welfare system is similar to the French social security. It is a very efficient organization,
a numbered card gives you access to hospitals and doctors, if you are enrolled in the administrative system by your Canadian employer.

Make sure that your contract gives all the details concerning the working conditions.

Looking for a job :

There are some teaching posts available. To qualify for them you should have some skill which is difficult to find on the Canadian market. Before going you have to have a temporary work permit
or the status of a landed immigrant, that is to say be a permanent resident in Canada.

Conditions for residence

Less than six months : valid passport
Return air ticket
Letter of introduction from the enterprise
Bank reference
More than six months : idem + medical certificate
To work : be a landed immigrant or be asked for by a company
If you are neither landed immigrant nor Canadian citizen, you have to have a work permit.

Job finding sectors

Computer sciences, electronics, mechanics, telecommunications, paramedical, biothechnological

Before leaving :

Have a valid passport, a resident's visa delivered by the Canadian immigration service and medical cover.

Immigration :

Since the beginning of the century, immigrants from more than 150 different origins have brought
a cultural and economic wealth to the country. Immigration is an important factor in the economic activity
of the country, to redress the demographic developement, ensure prosperity and economic opportunities.

More than 100,000 French people are installed in Canada. Each year about 3500 French people choose to go and live there, and more particularly in the province of Quebec.

Chinese immigration :

Canada now proposes a visa-free entry to Chinese from Hong Kong. Already more than 500,000 Chinese from Hong Kong have settled in Canada bringing with them their knowledge and technology.

Working in Canada :

It is one of the most requested destinations for French people, especially Quebec, which is wide open
to immigration. It is also a way of getting in to North America. However, the job market is going through difficulties these days and immigration candidates should be very careful and very well prepared.

Preparing your departure :

Even if Quebec is French speaking, don't forget that this province is part of an English speaking country.
It is wise to revise or improve your English before your departure.

You can start to collect information by writing to the various French Associations established in Quebec,
to economic expansion services, commercial services of Canadian banks in France or of French banks
in Quebec.

A huge amount of documentation about the country is available from the cultural and economic services
of the Canadian Embassy in Paris or in the consulates in other towns. A well-documented library proposes professional directories, numerous works, reviews and also a list of French enterprises in Canada.

In Paris you can find in specialized bookshops all sorts of books, magazines and newspapers
from and about Canada. Other places and useful addresses are available in the directory appendix.

Nevertheless you can prepare your journey in a more accurate way by making a personalized appointment with the Franco-Canadian Chamber of Commerce to complete the information that you have gathered during your initial research and contacts, and get advice from a professional.

We recommend that you avoid the services of companies specialized in immigration.
The tarifs are very high and the results often disappointing.

While you are looking for information you can contact companies by sending unsollicited applications,
by proposing your services and stressing the fact that you are waiting for a visa.

A Canadian employer will only engage you if you already have your visa and will not wait several months for you to be available, except in particular cases.

After you have got all your information together about the country and potential employment in your sector of activity, you have to apply for a visa to the immigration service of the Quebec delegation in Paris.

This service will consider your demand and make a decision on the possibilites of your installation and whether or not to give you a visa. Your level of education will be taken into consideration, as well as your knowledge of English and your professional experience.

You should provide a complete dossier which can eventually include an analysis of your sector of activity, copies of letters from employers who have answered you, and a letter explaining your motivation
for wanting to settle in Quebec. The administrative process is slow and can take from 3 to 6 months
and this makes contacts difficult when you are job hunting and the offers are rare.

You should know that any company which proposes to engage you has to approach the Employment Centre in Canada so that they can check that there is no one available to fill the position in Canada.
The advert is posted in the Employment Centre for several weeks. If the job offer is not taken up within this time the Employment Centre will send its agreement to the immigration service and to your future employer.

When you arrive in Quebec the Ministry of Immigration will give you the necessary forms for your registration with the local administrative organizations.

Staying for less than 6 months :

For stays less than 6 months no formalities are necessary. At the Canadian High Commission in Paris
you can fill in the form "demand for an authorization for temporary residence".

This temporary residence lets numerous hopeful immigrants go and prepare their move while they are waiting for a visa and a job. Local prospection often makes things easier : calling in person on companies and giving your cv directly and consulting the press day by day are serious advantages.

It is advisable to have a return airticket and to budget sufficiently for the time that you intend to stay.
A credit card is useful.

You are not allowed to work during this temporary residence.

If ever you find a job during your temporary residence, nothing forbids you from popping over to the USA, to Seattle or Boston, and depositing a demand for immigration with the Canadian consulate there.

If you have a tourist visa don't make the mistake of working illegally, it could wipe out all your hopes
of obtaining your work permit one day. When this happens the immigration services expel the person concerned with no possibility of returning.

French-Canadian bilateral agreements :

There are other solutions which are based on agreements between France and Canada, and which allow a certain number of people, students aged from 18-30, to go and work in Canada for limited periods, without having to go via the Employment Centre, to see a certain number of jobs, as varying as are available,
and to use these agreements for a block visa which depending on the year, could be for 400 to 1000.
These programmes are used for students looking for training courses, temporary jobs or summer jobs.

Programme - IMO

The International Migrations Office proposes programmes of short term training courses
(from 3 - 12 months for 250 work permits), for workers aged from 18 to 35 who want to experience
a first job abroad.

AIESEC(International Association of Economic and Commercial Science Students),
proposes a programme of training courses for students.

Other agreements :

There are other possibilities but reserved for students. So candidates who already have professional experience will find nothing of interest in these different programmes or bilateral agreements.

Canadian Nationality :

Canadian nationality can be obtained on request and after a residence of three years in Canada.
If you are 18 nothing can stop you from asking Canadian nationality and obtaining double nationality.

The Sectors which recruit :

There are job possibilities in the hotel and restaurant sectors. Canadian is in 11th place on the tourist market with 2.97% (France is first with 10.68%).
There is heavy demand for qualified personnel (cooks, head waiters, waiters etc...)

In the technological domain, data processing comes first, with a big demand for programmers,
programme analysts, project managers and developers of internet networks and multimedias.

There are demands in other sectors, such as in electronics, agri-business, chemistry, etc...

The possibility of employment in Canada is also dependent on the different economic policies
of the regions, which try to attract companies, investments and the creation of new enterprises.
You have to look in detail at the numerous possibilities offered and especially if you have a creative spirit, the economic market in Canada is promising.

Recruitment and our Advice :

Your cv must be very clear and detailled and accompanied by a hand written letter.

At the interview, whatever position you are trying for, we recommend that you always dress appropriately. Canadian employers are very sensitive to your manner of dressing and your presentation.

Interviews are often very short in the case of a preselection but can last several hours if your candidacy retains their attention, depending on the vacancy and if you have to do psychotechnical tests (graphological analysis) or aptitude tests.

Be careful not to appear pretentious about your know-how or exagerate you professional competence.

Their professional competence is very wide and their recruitment methods are tried and tested.

Don't forget that the Canadian market has an unemployment rate of 9.4% and so you mustn't let slip
a job interview which is so difficult to obtain.

Rather, stress your competence, your ease of adaption, your mobility, your ability to work in a team
and your desire to contribute your experience if you have any.

Modesty never did any harm and may help you to establish a dialogue with your interviewer which could give a favorable impression.

Employment Press :

The leading local daily newspapers where you can find international job offers are :
The Ottawa Citizen (English), La Presse (French), le Devoir in Montreal, the Globe and the Mail in Toronto.

Welfare cover and Unemployment :
Health cover

Be careful : The provinces have different health and welfare allocation conditions.

Particularly in Quebec, the health services are free if you have a social insurance card.

In most hospitals or doctor's consulting rooms you can take out forms for medical care.

If you have recently arrived in Canada you can try to get a form for "urgent medical care"
from an employment centre.

You have to pay for your own dental care.

Hospital fees are paid for 100%.

Family allowances are accorded if you have children under 18, and are taxed.

Unemployment cover :

Workers have a right to unemployment benefits, if they have worked for a minimum period.
Health care is covered while you are on the dole. Unemployment benefits are taxed.

Retirement :

Whether you settle definitely or temporarily in Canada it is preferable to subscribe
to a pension scheme with the IRCAFEX in Paris (see the information in the practical Guide).
Formalities to be completed

Unlike the USA, Quebec gives the possibilty to immigrants to take Canadian nationality after 3 years
of residence in the country while keeping their own original nationality. But before that you have to ask
the Embassy for a permanent resident's visa and go through a character investigation and a medical test. Minitel Code : 3615 Quebec. To enter Toronto you don't need a visa, a valid passport is enough.

Prepare your departure :

Check with the Embassy if your dossier is complete.

Welfare Protection :

The Franco-Canadian agreement is for French or Canadian citizens, employed or not in either of the two countries. It provides obligatory affiliation in the country of residence. However a French person working in Canada can under certain conditions benefit from the French welfare system. Find out if you do or not have a right to the same social protection systems as the Canadians while you are employed in Canada.
This is also applicable to pension schemes.

A personal insurance is advisable against risks of sickness, disablement, maternity costs, work accidents and professional diseases.

In the case of unemployment, take a personal insurance dated before your employment or within six months of it, as well as an insurance covering old age, disability or death, from a French organization which corresponds to the type of activity that you are in (or a private old age insurance from the CFE).

Retirement :

If you are not sure about the pension scheme proposed by your employer then it is better
to take out a private pension scheme. Get information about this in Paris.

The Tax System :

There is a federal government and a provincial government. The provincial one manages local taxes and if you are paid in dollars by a French or foreign company you are liable for tax to the provincial government.

Health & Medicine

Canada has no endemic diseases, its climate is very healthy, only people with heart trouble should
be careful because of the sudden temperature changes.

Recommended vaccinations are tetanos, polio, BCG.

Doctors rarely make home visits. The price of a consultation, if you are not covered by the local social security is from 20 to 150 $.

Join their health insurance scheme as soon as possible as well as taking out a private insurance.
It is forbidden to import medicines.

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