Country File


Papers : A valid identity card. Passport.

Customs : For French residents travelling to Britain there are no currency restrictions, but a customs declaration is necessary for amounts over 50,000 FF.

Social Security : British social security is managed by the National Health Service. Members of the European Union can get free medical care in the event of an accident or sickness, by getting registered by a consulting doctor.
The E111 form (free services between countries which have signed the agreement) is not necessary. Dental care is not free. Be careful, you must absolutely be registered with the Department of Social Security (DSS).
Free number in London is 0800 666 555.

Unemployment benefits : To be eligible for unemployment benefits in England you must have worked for at least two years in France or in the UK.
If you are already receiving an indemnity in France, it is possible under certain conditions to transfer the dossier to Britain.
If you have no allowance you can still ask for an Income Support of £44 a week (£34.80 if you are 18-24).
Whatever your situation get all the necessary information from the Job centre nearest you or from the yellow pages in the telephone directory looking under 'Unemployment'.