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Portugal Welcome
Guide for living and working in Portugal
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There are 10 million inhabitants in Portugal, 2 million of whom live in Lisbon.

The population is made up of Portuguese, Cape Verdians, Americans, British, Brazilians and Spanish. The birth rate is 20%.

The high rate of unemployment causes a high rate of emigration.

The north has a more dense population than the south.

2/3 of the population live in the countryside and the only two big towns are Lisbon and Porto (100,000 inhabitants).

The average population density is 103 inhabitants by square kilometer.

About 33.6% of the population live in town and 66.4% prefer to live in the countryside.


The official language is Portuguese but French and English are also spoken.

Nearly 200 million people in the world speak Portuguese in Europe, Africa and America.

There are several religious affiliations : Christians, Catholics, Protestants, other Christian denominations (Jehovah witnesses), Jews, Muslims.


The metric system is in use everywhere and the electrical current is 220 volts.


The official currency in Portugal is the Escudo, in 1994 an escudo was worth 3.34 French centimes.



Flight possibilities :
- Paris-Lisbon (every day on Air France)
- Paris-Faro (Saturdays on TAP Air Portugal)

Getting there by train :

- Sud Express (Paris Austerlitz, every day, a voyage of 25 hours, sleeping cars) ;

- T.G.V. Atlantique (Paris Montparnasse every day, a voyage of 20 hours).



Faro is 1550 kms from Paris.

A 1h35 flight from Paris.
Faro airport : : (89) 24210. Air Portugal proposes direct flights.

Car rental is possible with Avis, Budget, Eurodollar, Europcar.



Tourist Office :
Praça D. Joao I, 43. 4000 Porto. : (2) 201 3957.

Porto is 1213 kms from Paris.

A 2h10 flight from Paris. Paro airport is situated 11 kms out of town.

Car rental from Avis, Budget, Eurodollar, Europcar.


The main southern towns are :
Sines, Beja, Evora, Setubal, Lisbon, Santarem, Portalegre.

The main northern towns are :
Coimbra, Castelo Branco, Guarda, Viseu, Aveiro, Porto, Vila Real, Braga, Viana do Castelo, Bragança.


No vaccination is obligatory.


You can get to Portugal by plane, rail, road or sea.

Internal transport systems are not very rapid.

The two new highways IP4 and IP5 cut across the country . They are a quick way to Spain but the road network remains more irregular than on the Atlantic side.

The bus service covers the whole country. You can reach even the smallest towns.


Air transport

The main airlines are TAP /Air Portugal, Air France, Iberia, Aero Service.

TAP/Air Portugal and LAR make internal flights between the main towns.

There are flights between the Azores islands and Madeira by SATA.

Daily flights are run by Portugalia between Lisbon, Faro and Porto.
From France there are also flights from Bordeaux, Strasbourg, Toulouse, Lyon, Marseilles and Nice.



Lisbon is at 1451 Kms from Paris, a 2h20 flight.
The airport is P. de Sacavem which is 10 kms out of Lisbon: tel. (1) 882 060
There are 3 flights daily to Paris by Air France and TAP.

There is 1 flight a week on Saturdays by TAP to Faro Algame.


The Azores

There are no direct flights from Paris.

There are daily flights from Paris via Lisbon for Ponta Delgada which is on the island of San Miguel.

There are weekly flights to Orta (on the island of Faial ) and Lajes (on Terceira). The total trip takes about 5 hours.

Tickets can be booked with the Azorian company SATA, or in France.



It is practical to travel by rail betwen Lisbon, Porto and the other towns.
The railway booking office in Lisbon is tel. (1) 793 1633 or (1) 876 025


River travel

The river boats are fast and cross the Tage with connections between Lisbon, Cacilhas/Almada, Trafaria, Porto Brandao, Barreiro, Seixal, Alcochette, Montijo.

Other river boat lines exist in Faro, Tavira and Portimao.

 There is a weekly service relaying the islands of the Azores.

There is a daily connection to the islands of Faial and Pico.

You can also take a tourist trip on the Tage (Lisbon, Terreiro do Paço).
(Transjeto : (1) 875 058)



There is no time differences between Portugal and France.

There is 1 hour difference with Madeira, they are one hour behind us.

The Azores are two hours behind us.




To telephone within Portugal, dial

- 01( for Lisbon),
- 02 ( for Porto)
followed by the number of your correspondent.

To call Portugal from France dial 00 351 1 and the number you want.

For emergencies dial 115.



The best selling Portugese daily is the 'Correio da Manha' (morning courier).

Other Portuguese dailies are the 'Dario de noticias' (daily news), and the 'Jornal de noticias' (daily journal).


There are airports in all the main regions and throughout the Azores (on the islands of Faial, Pico and Sao Miguel).


In Portugal

The food is good but not necessarily cheaper than in France, you can find however restaurants where there are menus from 30 or 50 francs.

The restaurants and cafes usually propose portions and half-portions which are usually enough for a 'normal' appetite.

You can order a dish of 'lulas grelhadas' (grilled squid) at a price of 20 francs, a 'feijoada' (a mixture of beans and meat) or 'bacalhau a zedo pipo' (a regional dish made from cod) costing about 50 francs.

You should taste the red wines from Bairrada or from Dao, the 'vinhos verdes' (green wine) from Aveleda or more expensively, the well known Alvarinho.


The Azores

Hotels :

- the island of Pico at Lajes, the « Residencial Açores »
(a double room from 170 F);

- the island of Terceira at Angra, the « Beira Mar »
(a double room from 250 F).

Restaurants :

- the island of Faial at Horta, the « Café Sport »
(fast food from 70 F) ;

- the island of Pico at Lajes, the « Moby Dick »
(sea specialities from 100 F).

(Voir liste des hôtels et des restaurants
à la rubrique adresses utiles du pays).
(See the list of hotels and restaurants in the column of useful addresses in the country).


During the winter in Portugal you should take some fairly warm clothing (autumn style) for everywhere except the north east where it can be cold.

In summer during the day it is hot but early morning and evenings you may need a jacket or light sweater.


Public Holidays :

- 1st January
- 23rd February
- 9th April
- 24th April
- 1st May
- 13th June
- 10th June
- 15th August
- 5th October
- 1st November
- 1st December
- 8th December
- 25th December


Most French and international banks are represented in Portugal.



During the winter in Portugal you should take some fairly warm clothing (autumn style) for everywhere except the north east where it can be cold.

In summer during the day it is hot but early morning and evenings you may need a jacket or light sweater.


The university year in Portugal is from October to July.

In some universities you can take courses to improve your Portuguese.
There are also summer courses given in the universities of Lisbon, Coimbra and Porto.

Foreign students can apply to follow university courses in certain conditions :

They must :
- have a school leaving certificate
- sit an entry exam

Otherwise they have to have a certificate which would allow them to continue their studies in their own countries or get an equivalent degree, or else do a preparatory year.

(see the list of schools on the page Useful addresses in the country and internationally).


Guide Bleu « Portugal, Madère, Açores ». Edited by Hachette ;

Guide Michelin « Madeira, Açores » ;

Guide Petit Futé « Açores, Madère » ;

Guide Marcus « Les Açores-Madère aujourd’hui » ;

« Tempête sur l’Archipel », by Vittorio Nemesos. Edited by La Différence ;

« Des Hommes et des baleines », by Serge Viallelle. Edited by the Comptoir des Açores.


Cost of living

Transport :

Count about 3,000 FF return Paris -Azores.

Full board costs about 5,000/6,000 FF a week.

It costs about 1000 FF return to Lisbon or Porto.

Rail or road are much cheaper than travelling by air, but the trip takes at least 24 hrs.

A return trip between Lisbon and Porto (600 kms all round) costs about 200 FF.

The underground in Lisbon makes travelling around the town easy and a ticket costs about 65 escudos, approx. 2FF.

Taxis are not expensive either, it costs about 20 FF for an average trip. The same applies to Porto.

Taxes on cars are higher in Portugal than in France, so they are more expensive, especially powerful cars.

Petrol is nearly the same price as in France.


Food :

Hypermarkets are generally more expensive than in France.


Clothing :

The prices are more or less identical with France for all clothing items.



French people working in Portugal complain about the high price of accomodation.

Rents are very high, especially in the centre of Lisbon and in Porto where the rents are higher than the salaries.

A three-room appartment in the centre of Lisbon or Porto costs at least 100,000 escudos.

There are not many studios.

It is advisable to look for a flat out of the centre where the prices are more reasonable for a bigger space.

Sometimes an employer might participate in the price of the rent.


Embassies, Consulates :

Portuguese Embassy

Economic Service

3 rue Noisel/75116 Paris

Tel (1) 47 27 35 29/(1) 53 70 12 94


Portuguese Consulate

187, rue du Chevaleret/75013 Paris

Tel : (1) 45 85 03 60


Office du Tourisme du Portugal

Mr Armando Rocha

7 rue Scribe/75009 Paris

Tel : (1) 47 42 55 57


Office du Commerce et du Tourisme du Portugal

135 Bd Haussmann/75008 Paris

Tel : (1) 53 83 75 95

Fax (1) 42-89-30-74


Service Minitel : 36 15 LEPORTUGAL

Office du Tourisme 36 15 ALGARVE


Chambre de Commerce et d'industrie Franco-Portugaise

217-219 bd Saint Germain

75007 Paris

Tel : (1) 45 44 53 39 ou 42 22 54 59



10 avenue d'Iéna/75016 Paris

Tél : (1) 40 73 30 00


Fondation Calouste-Gulbenkian

Museum, library, language classes...

Tel : (1) 47 20 86 84


Portugese Bookshop Michel-Chandaigne

10 rue du Tournefort/75005 Paris

Tel : (1) 43 36 34 37


Librairie Lusophone

25 rue de Sommerard, 75005 Paris

Tel : (1) 44 33 59 39


Portugese Newspapers :


Librairie Portugal (near the Portuguese consulate)

146 rue Chevaleret/75013 Paris

Tel : (1) 45 85 87 82


Librairie Portugal (opposite the Portuguese consulate)

62 rue de Crillon/69006 Lyon

Tel : (4) 72 44 38 71


French Embassy

Rua de Santos o Velho 5

1293 Lisboa

Tel : (1) 301 8121


French Consulate

123 Calçada Marqués de Abrantes

1200 Lisboa

Tel : (1) 301 8131 / 3


ICEP (Investimentos Comercio e Turismo de Portugal)

Av. 5 de Octubro, 101

1016 Lisboa

Tel : 351-1-793-0103

Fax 351-1-795-0961


Economic Expansion Post

Rua Castilho, 50- 2°

1093 Lisboa

Tel : (19) 351-1-386 02 06

Ou : 351-1-381 40 50

Télécopie : 351-1-381 40 60


Porto office :

Av.da Boavista, 3251, 4e étage

Sala 402 (Edificio Aviz)

4150 Porto.

Tel : 351-2617 37 77/617 37 90

Fax : 351-2617 38 29


International Chamber of Commerce Luso-Francaise

Rua Santo o Velho

n°11.1200 Lisboa

Tel : (19) 351-1-395 83 87/88/89

Fax : 351-1-395 83 90

or General Manager :

Stéphane Bossavit

41 avenida Defensores de Chaves 6° Dto

1094 Lisbonne

Tel : (19) 351 1 395 83 87

Fax : 395 83 90



Avenida da Boavista

1203.3° Salle 303, S1.302

4100 Porto

Tel : (19) 351-2-606 59 86

Or 351-2-600 54 80

Fax: 351-2-606 33 93


Ministry of Economy

Rua da Horta Seca, 15, 1200 Lisboa

: 351-1-346 30 91

Fax : 351-1-346 98 16


Secretary of State for Regional Development

Praça do Comèrcio, Lisboa

Tel : 351 1 886 84 41


Alliance Francaise de Lisbonne

rua Braamcamp, 13-2°

1200 Lisboa

Tel : (19) 351-1-315 88 06


Portuguese Industrial Association

Praça das industrias, apartado 3200

1304 Lisboa Cedex.

Tel : (19) 351-1-362 01 00

ou : 351-1-360 10 73/74

Fax : 351-1-363 90 47


Portuguese Association of Textiles and Clothing (APT)

Rua Conçalo Cristovao, 96,

4000 Porto

Tel : 351-2-31 79 61/2/3/4

Fax: 351-2-31 03 43


PEE Lisbonne

Dept head : Marc Maupas Oudinot (assistant Dominique Arbelet)

50 rua Castilho

1093 Lisbonne

Tel : (19) 351 1 821 40 50

Fax : 821 40 60


ICEP (Portuguese institute for foreign investors)

Avenida 5 de Outobro 101

1000 Lisbonne

Tel : (19) 351 1 793 01 03

Fax : 795 23 29

All companies opened have to be reported to this organism.
This institute helps the foreign investor to save time, it explains the administrative procedures to him and who to talk to.


Tourist Office

100 rua Ataide de Oliveira

8000 Faro

Tel (89) 24067


Travel Agencies :


rua Sol Ao Rao 88 A

1200 Lisboa

Tel : (1) 691 028

Fax (1) 602 242


Marsans International

Av Fontes Pereira Melo 14

1000 Lisboa

Tel : (1) 588 846

Fax (1) 355 6764


Hotels :



Cerro Alagoa Hôtel

Apartado 2155 Cerro da Algoa

8200 Albufeira

Tel : (351 89) 588 261

Fax (351 89) 588 262


Club Med Da Balaia

Praia Maria Luisa/8200 Albufeira

Tel : (351 89) 586 681

Fax (351 89) 586 694


Do Guincho Hotel

Pria do Guincho/2750 Cascais

Tel : (351 1) 487 0491

Fax (351 1) 487 0431


Palacio Hotel

Rua Do Parque/2765 Estoril

Tel : (351/1) 468 0400

Fax (351 1) 468 4867


De Lagos Hotel

8600 Lagos

Tel (351 82) 62011


Alfa Lisboa Hotel

Av. Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro

1000 Lisboa

Tel : (351-1) 726 2121

Fax (351-1) 726 3031


Altis Hotel

rue Castilho 11/1200 Lisboa

Tel : (351-1) 522 496

Fax (351-1) 548 696


Avenida Palace

Rua 1 de Dezembro 123/1200 Lisboa

Tel : (351-19) 346 0151

Fax (351 19) 342 2884


Madeira :


Atlantis Hotel

Agua Pena

P-9200 Machico

Tel : (351 91) 965 811

Fax (351 91) 965 859


Porto :


Le Meridien Porto

Av. da Boavista 1466

4100 Porto

Tel : (351 2) 600 1913

Fax (351 2) 600 2031


Congress Centres:

Casino Solverde Espinho

Rua 19, 85 P

4500 Espinho (near Porto)


Casino Estoril

Praça José Teodoro dos Santos

P-2765 Estoril


Feira Internacional de Lisboa

Praça das Industrial

P-1399 Lisboa



Feira Internacional do Porto

P-4450 Matosinhos


Recruitement Agencies

Grupo Egor

rua Castilho, 75

1200 Lisboa

Tel : (19) 351-1-54 35 05



rua Alexandra Herculano

39-1° dir

1200 Lisboa

Tel : (19) 351-1-54 35 05


Radio Paris-Lisbonne (bilingual radio) 90.4 FM

Avenida Joao Crisostomo

55A.1000 Lisboa

Tel : (19) 351-1-54


Education Grants :

Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian

Avenida de Berna

1093 Lisboa Cedex


National Institute for scientific research

Avenida Elias Garcia - 137

1093 Lisboa Cedex


Institut Camoes

Praça do Principe Real

14 - 1°/1200 Liboa


Schools :

Institut Camoes

Same address as above


The Portugese Catholic University

Sede Central/Palma de Cima

1600 Lisboa


University of Aveiro (UA)

Campo Universitári

2800 Aveiro


University of Beira Intérior

Rua Marquês de Avila Bolam

6200 Covilha


University of Lisbon

Geology department

Campo Grande/Edificio C2/5° piso

1700 Lisboa


University of Lisbon

Faculty of Literature

Departement of Portuguese language and culture

Alameda da Universidade

1699 Lisboa Cedex


University of Lisbon

Faculty of Dental Medicine

Avenida Gama Pinto

Cidade Universitária

1600 Lisboa


New University of Lisbon

Institute of hygiene and tropical medicine

Rua da Junqueira, 96

1300 Lisboa


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