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Turkey Welcome
Living and Working in TURKEY
A guide, with information, advice and useful addresses
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Geographical situation
Economy & statistics


Other sectors
Weights, measures and voltages
Main towns


Entry formalities:
Health & medicine


Connections with France
Time differences
Car rental
Hotels & restaurants
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Your car
Schools & schooling
Cost of Living

Usefull Addresses

City Ville Guide

Other sectors
France is Turkey's fourth biggest trade partner. French exports are made up of over 90% industrial goods with high added value. The strong presence of three French car manufacturers, especially Renault, which is the biggest foreign investor in Turkey in any sector, makes up most of this movement, as well as sales of distribution materials and electrical controls, refined petrol products, chemical products for industrial use and electronic components.
The telecommunications sector is one of the most flourishing, due to the developement of the mobile phone. On the other hand, the country is still behind in Internet users.

Population : 63,451,000, the total population density is 82 inhabitants per km2.
There are over ten million inhabitants in Istanbul.

Population breakdown :
0-14 year olds : 29.53%
15-64 year olds : 65%
65 years and over : 5.47%

Working age population (15-65 ) : 41 million, of which 30 million are working (55% in industry and services).

Life expectancy : 69.26 years
Urban population : 72.86%

Level of Developement (latest available statistics)
demographic growth 1997-2015 (%) : +1.2
infant mortality (%) : 4
energy consumption per capita TOE : 1.05
population without drinking water (% pop) : 51
population without sanitary installations (% pop) : 20
n° of doctors per 1000 inhabitants : 1.1
telephone lines per 1000 inhabitants : 250
mobile telephones per 1000 inhabitants : 26
private cars per 1000 inhabitants : 59
n° of computers per 1000 inhabitants : 20.7
adult illiteracy (%) : 17
secondary schooling/age group (%) : 56
graduates/age group (%) : 18

Ethnic composition :
- 80% Turks,
- 20% Kurds

The minorities are all sources of conflict, whether they are Kurdish or Armenians on Turkish territory or Turks living in Bulgaria or Cypris.


Language Turkish, Kurdish, Arab.
For business, English and German are currently spoken.

Historically Turkey was the core of the Ottoman Empire and several populations speak Turkish all over the East. Turkish is spoken by 150 million people in the world.

The main religion is Islam.
Sunnites Muslims : 99.8%
Christians : 0.2%

Weights, measures & voltage
The metric system is in use. Electricity : 220 volts with European style plugs.

1 Turkish pound (TRL) = 0.00001 French francs
1 franc = 137,380 Turkish pounds
1 euro = 972,210 Turkish pounds

International credit cards : Visa, American Express and Mastercard are accepted in the larger towns.

Exchange regulations
There is no limit to profits, invested capital and eventual appreciations being repatriated. Transfering money presents no difficulties. The pound is convertible and there is no exchange control.

Main towns Ankara (Ancyre) : The capital : museum of Anatolian civilizations, tomb of Ataturk (1881-1938) the founder of modern Turkey.

Istanbul (Constantinople) : Ancient Byzantine and Ottoman capital, Istanbul is build on the west bank of the Bosphorus, on a detroit which separates Europe from Asia. The city is also cut in half by a small sea inlet, the Golden Horn.

Bursa (Brousse) : Green city, the hometown of Karaguz, the Turkish 'Punch'. A spa which was the capital for a while, with the tombs of sultans and gardens : Green mausoleum, Osman's mausoleum (founder of the Osman Empire 1281-1923).

Izmir (Smyrne) : Opulant and haughty, to the south and the north of the town stretches the 2800 kms of the Aegean coast. Beautiful synagogue, gymnasium bounded by the River Pactole.

Climate The climate is temperate, mild and Mediterranean. The best seasons to visit Turkey are spring and autumn as summer is often too hot, especially on the high plateau in the interior. Winter is cold and it snows in the centre of the country and freezes in the east.

Average temperatures (max/min) :

..................................J ........F .......M .......A .........M ..........J ...........J ..........A ...........S ..........O ........N ........D

Istanbul ................8/3 ....9/2 .....11/3 ....16/7 ....21/12 ...25/16 ...28/18 ....28/19 ....24/16 ...20/13 ...15/9 ....11/5

Trabz1....................1/5 ...10/4 ....12/5 ....15/8 ....19/13 ...23/17 ...26/20 ....26/20 ....23/17 ...20/14 ..17/10 ...13/7

Ankara (900m) ....4/-4 ....5/-3 ....11/0 ....17/4 ....22/9 ....27/13 ....30/15 ....30/15 ....26/11 ....20/7 ....13/3 ....6/-1

Insects & animals Scorpions. Mosquitoes from March to November, which are very active after nightfall. They are more numerous on the south coast and in the centre of the country.

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