Guide for expatriates moving, living and working in Brazil, Sao Paulo City Guide, international Movers, aparthotel, relocation,
concierge services to Sao Paulo, Real Estate, with property search, relocation information, and shopping and services directories

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Brasil Welcome
Guide for living and working in Brazil
A guide, information, advice and useful addresses to be able to leave well-informed.

Brazil Welcome

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(moving, relocate, insurance, health, Visa, Aparthotel, Hotel, Housing; concierge, home management, sitting services, ..)

Relocation and Removals :
Free quote request

Moving Brezil Removals

City Brazil
Brazil Press


Geographical situation
Economy & statistics


Other sectors
Weights, measures and voltages
Main towns


Working in South Africa
Entry formalities:
Health & medicine


Connections with France
Time differences
Car rental
Hotels & restaurants
Your suitcase
Your car
Schools & schooling
Cost of Living
in Johannesburg :

Usefull Addresses

City Ville Guide

18 - Transport
There are frequent flights between Paris and Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo (6 times a week), Brazilia and Recife, Belem and Manaos.
Varig is a Brazilian company flying from Roissy-Charles de Gaulle to Rio at 10.20 pm every evening.
Some flights stop over in Rio (Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays) and others in Salvador (Thursdays). The flight lasts 11 hours.
Air France has five flights a week, three of which are direct to Rio and two stop over in Recife.

Other companies.
Tap Air Portugal, Iberia, Aerolineas, Argentinas.
There are no charter flights.

Internal transport :
As Brazil is such a vast country, most of the travelling is done by plane.
Also the train services are limited, there are less rails (only 30,000 kms) than roads.
Roads and highways covers over 1.5 million kms.
Not many people have cars, only one person in ten.

The main airline companies :
VASP, Transbrasil and Varig. T
here is a travel pass system of 5 flight vouchers for 440 dollars.
Airport taxes vary between 50 and 60 FF.

There are plenty of taxis and they are divided into two types, the first is reserved for business men (Executivos). Watch out for public transport, it takes lots of detours before arriving at the final destination. The underground network is rather limited.

There is a lot of maritime transport. Brazil has 35 major ports and deals with a global tonnage of 40% of all the Latin American cargo.


9 -Time differences

The time difference with France is -3 hours in winter and -5 hours in summer.

20 - Telecommunications

Telephone :

The telephone system works well.
The telephone booths look like big ears and work with cards that you can buy in newspaper kiosks and post offices.

How to phone Brazil from Europe :
Dial 00 55 followed by the indicative of the town and the number of your correspondent
(11 for Sao Paulo, 21 for Rio)

How to phone France from Brazil :
Dial 00 33 followed by the number of your correspondent.

Radio/Newspapers :

21 - Airports

There are 10 international airports in Brazil.
The international airport of Garulhos is 40 kms out of the centre of Sao Paulo.

22 - Car rental
Car rental Brzil, Car rental Rio de Janeiro, ..

23 - Hotels & restaurants
Aparthotel Brazil, Sao Paulo Hotels, Rio de Janeiro Hotels, Apparthotel

24 - Your suitcase

From December to April take summer clothes, preferably in cotton or linen with one or two sweaters for the airconditioning and a raincoat.
For May to November take more woollens and a jacket for the evenings.
If you are going to Brazilia, Sao Paulo and the south coast take light clothing with something to protect you in the cool evenings and from the winter wind.
If you are going to Amazonia take cotton clothing which is easy to look after and covers you completely to avoid mosquito bites. You will probably also need a light jacket in this part of Brazil.


25 - Banks

Nine French banks are established in Rio de Janeiro.
The bank agencies are open from 10 am to 4 pm.
To withdraw money it is better to go the the bigger Banco do Brazil agencies.
They are the only ones, with the Banco National, able to do major operations.

Banco BNP Brasil S.A.
Rua Joaquim Floriano - 14° andar
04534-000-Sao Paulo (SP) - Brazil
Tel. : (55 11) 3048 90 00 - Fax (55 11) 3048 91 91
Telex : 31938 BNPR BR - Swift : BNPA BR SP
Swift : BNPA BR SP 

BNP Agency of Sao Paulo
Rua Joaquim Floriano - 14° andar
04534-000-Sao Paulo (SP)
Tel : (55 11) 820 6320 - Fax (55 11) 822 6493

Schools & Schooling
Follow International School

27 - Guides

Collection Un marché : Brazil
A general view of the Brazilian economy, of the market approach, trading and practical advice. CFCE.41003 - 1994 - 199 pages, 120 frs.

Brazil : List of companies and products. Kompass. 76684 - 2 volumes - Annual - 1835 frs.

Conditions of access to Brazil. Note PEE (the Trade Commission) Brasilia. E34236/94X - 1994 - 55 pages, 345 frs.

Foreign investment in Brazil. Note PEE Rio Brasilia. E37738/94X - 1994 - 21 pages, 345 frs. (all these documents are in French)

28 - Observations

The standard of living :

75% of households have running water, 88% have electricity and 73% have mains drainage.
Child mortality is four times higher than the average in industrialized countries, 56 for 1000.
Literacy is progressing, the rate is 84% nowadays.

The basic local diet is black beans and rice.
A European in Brazil can continue to eat as he is accustomed, but the quality of the food is usually not so good and it is very expensive.
Some things like French cheeses cannot be found.

Price of a restaurant : 160 to 320 FF
Price of a good quality hotel : 1 300 à 1 800 FF
Taxi airport -town centre (Sao Paulo) : 300 FF
Cinema seat : 55 FF

A bachelor needs 8,000 to 12,000 FF a month to live and a couple with two children will spend from
12,000 to 20,000 FF a month.

Salaries vary enormously from one region to another and are much higher in the Sao Paulo region.
On average a manager earns over 30,000 FF,a senior engineer about 10,500 FF,a commercial salesman about
6,000 FF and a bilingual secretary about 7,000 FF.

It is not difficult to find accomodation whether it is a flat or a house, but the prices are constantly going up. For instance a simple 3 room flat in San Paulo costs 8,000 - 10,000 FF a month, in the best districts you have to count about 4,000$ a month for 200 m2 with 3 bedrooms.
Watch out for the extra charges like caretaker, cleaning, water, garage etc which are extremely high.

It is difficult to get a French car repaired in Brazil because there are no French cars sold there.
There are however the same models as sold in France for Volkwagen, Fiat, Ford and Chevrolet.

Only private clubs offer sporting facilities (academias), the alternative is to jog in the parks in the main towns.

If you are an art lover there is a very dynamic cultural life in Brazil. Most of the bigger towns have their museums, their cultural centres and their temporary exhibitions.
In Sao Paulo, for instance, apart from the International Biennial of Plastic Arts there is also 90 theatres and 120 cinemas.

Practical recommendations :
If you live in Brazil don't make long term projects, in Brazil life is lived day by day, and you have to learn to be free the way the Brazilians are.

Don't be offended if you are called by your first name (with your university title to show respect), in Brazil it is normal to be quickly on first name basis.

It is advisable to be discreet about your wealth, don't flash it around, there is a certain amount of criminality and people are obsessed with security.
Don't forget to keep 36 dollars for the airport tax for your return flight.

29 - Tourism Public Holidays

1st January

New Year's Day

20th January

São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro

15th February


16th February


17th February

Carnival (only in the morning)

2nd April

Good Friday

2st April


1st May

Labour Day

8th May

Victory Day 1945

3rd June

Corpus Christi

14th July

French National Day

7th September

Brazilian Independence Day

12th October

Nossa Senhora Aparecida

2nd November

Finados (Day of the Dead)

11th November

Armistice 1918

15th November

Proclamação da República

25th December

Christmas Day

The name Brazil comes from Pau Brasil, which is a red wood.
Brazil is a tourist heaven, you can find everything in this magnificent country : nature, carnival, exoticism in its art and culture.
With 800 kms of beaches, rivers, waterfalls and forests Brazil presents us with a colourful picture of paradise.
But under its tropical skies, splendid riches are mixed with the deepest poverty.
In Rio the sea is cold and dangerous, it is safer to swim in the hotel pool.
However in Sao Paulo the nearest coast line has wonderful beaches and at only 2 hours out of town you can find secluded ones.
Among its many cultural rites, you will discover Brazilian dances, particularly the Capoeira in Salvador (Bahia) and over a dozen folklore dances.
Also music, theatre and carnival where spring is welcomed to the sound of sambas, bossa-nova and cariocas.

The Carnival of Rio :

It started off as a little "stupid and naughty" game, called l'entrudo, imported by the Portuguese, where the aim was to throw a mixture of flour, vinegar and wine on passers by.
In the 19th century the game became a festival with streamers and confetti, and music with the legendary drums of Zé Pereira.
The Carnival as we know it today, only took its true dimension when the first samba schools opened up in 1929 in the Estacio district.
Over the years it has continued to grow, becoming a myth.

Day and night, for 72 hours, the main street overflows with a continual stream of masks and costumes, competing with each other in extravagance and creative genius.
Each 'tribe' has its batucada, its samba group. In the evenings everyone goes to the balls, only leaving at dawn.
Until Ash Wednesday, the last day of the carnival, the town lives at the rythme of this extraordinary festival where all the superstitions in the world have been mixed.

February is mid-summer, and temperatures vary between 30 and 35°, sometimes going up to 40°, but the sea breeze makes the heat bearable.

Not to be missed in Rio : a visit to Santa Teresa, an old Portuguese colony district, with its wheezy yellow trams.
A walk along the legendary overcrowded beach of Copacabana, the meeting place of every Carioca (as the inhabitants of Rio are known).

In Brazil you can

- go up the Sugar Loaf in the cable car and look out over the panorama of the beaches of Copacabana and Flamenco
- take a trip to Buzios, 130 kms north of Rio, it will take you several days to visit all of its 80 beaches
- cross the forest of Tijuca by train, it is the biggest urban tropical forest in the world, passing via the Taunay waterfall and finishing at the summit of Corcotado overlooking the bay of Guanabara
- if you are a football fan go to a match, if possible in the Macarana which is the biggest football stadium in the world (170,000 seats)
- go on a cruise on the Amazon
- take a dugout canoe ride on the Rio Negro
- visit a gold mine
- hunt or fish
- go on a photo safari in the forest and discover the monkeys, pumas, toucans, pink flamingoes, jaguars and lots of other animals.
The Amazonian fauna and the flora is really unforgettable.


You can admire or buy precious and semi-precious stones : aquamarines, saphires or emeralds
Silverware, leather and fossilized wood and other artisan work is also available.
Records : "Patrulha do samba", Oasis
"Harmonia do samba", Abril
"Swing tropical" Daniela Mercury


You can't leave Brazil without having gone to a carnival show evening in a samba school or spent an evening at the opera in Rio.


Brazilian cooking is very spicy. You will find a lot of tropical fruit, fish, lobsters, shrimps ...
- Mineira is a dish made of beans and rice, cabbage and thin slices of beef
- Muqueca de Peixe is a speciality made of garlic, onions, tomatoes and coriander over fish and shrimps. The end of the cooking is done in coconut milk.
- the Brazilian national dish, Feyoada, is made of beans with the feet, tail and ears of salted pork, sausages and smoked pork brisket, beef, garlic, onions and olive oil and it is eaten with boiled rice.
- Churrasco is an assortment of grilled meat
- Sarapatel is a mutton and pork stew with tomatoes, peppers and onions.

- Brazil makes its own rum, called Ccchaça
- A guarana is a sparkling drink of Amazonian fruit juice
- a maté or matche is an infusion of maté herbs, a drink of Indian origin

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with cool evenings.

From July to August it snows on the mountains of the Rio Grande do Dul.


There are snakes and scorpions in the south-east of the country, with lots of pernilongos and borachudos. There are a lot of mosquitoes in the towns, which are especially active after sundown.
In Amazonia there are flies, spiders and ants ... as well as :

- over 1,500 species of birds
- about a hundred species of turtles and tortoises
- over 110 species of lizards
- about 220 species of snakes
- and over 1,500 species of fresh water fish

A few examples of Brazilian animals :
armadillos, pumas, jaguars, crocodiles, piranhas.
More than 55,000 plants and flowers have been listed as belonging to Brazilian flora.


Working in Brazil :

Before leaving. It is advisable to learn or improve your level of Portuguese.

Entry formalities. You can enter Brazil with only a passport and a tourist visa, there are no other particular formalities to be completed if you are staying less than three months. You can renew this visa once.

But if you are going to prospect or study the market it would be better to apply for a work visa before going. This will make it easier for you to deal with local companies. When you negotiate a contract you will not have to ask for a visa and will gain time.

If you should find a job with a local company your employer will deal with all the administrative formalities concerning your stay and get a resident's permit from the authorities which will allow you to work locally.

If you are employed by a French or international company you don't have to worry about the administrative formalities, usually the administrative services deal with all the formalities concerning the expatriate staff.
If you should be the only representative of your company in the country (commercial or liaising agent etc...), then you will have to deal with all the formalities yourself.

Before leaving France, remember to get certain administrative papers which could be necessary once you are in Brazil :
- a medical certificate (from your medical centre)
- a copy of your police record
- a copy of your birth certificate
- your family record book or a certified copy.

Preparing for your departure and looking for a job.

You could start looking for information by writing to French associations which are set up in Brazil, to trade commissions, to the commercial services of Brazilian banks in France or French banks in Brazil.

Most of the French consulates abroad have a service dealing with jobs and training and can put you in touch with local companies wishing to engage French personnel. (see in our Practical Guide for the Expatriate).

The French-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce in Sao Paulo also offers information about the job market and the most dynamic sectors of the economy. They also publish 'Flash', which is a bulletin printed for French companies and Brazilian members. You could publish a job application in it.

The Trade Commission in Rio de Janeiro or the CFCE in Paris can give you a list of French companies established in Brazil.

Local employment agencies have job offers, but the level of qualifications seldom corresponds to expatriate needs (see a listing in 'Useful Addresses').

Interim bureaus can often give you information and contacts that could be useful.

You can find all the documentation you need about the country at the Brazilian Embassy in Paris in the cultural service.

You can also take more direct steps and make a personal appointment with the Latin American Chamber of Commerce to complete your information and to obtain professional advice.

We advise you to avoid companies specializing in immigration.

While you are looking for information you could also contact companies directly and send your application proposing your services.

In several countries the job market is highly protected, problems of unemployment and economic recession in the country discourage a policy of employing immigrants. Local authorities oblige companies to widely diffuse their job offers within the country before looking abroad. The company is obliged to pass its job offer in the local employment agencies and take all the necessary steps to find someone locally for the post. Only if there is no one corresponding to the profile can the company accept a foreign candidate.

Where to look for job offers :

In the French press (Le Monde, Le France Soir, Figaro, Moniteur du Batiment, Expat magazine..) for French companies sending people abroad.

In the local press (O GLOBO daily 266,000 copies, Rua Irineu Marinho, n° 35 Rio de Janeiro, and A FOLHA DE SAO PAULO daily 378,000 copies, Rua Barao de Limeira, 425 Sao Paulo).

Recruiting and our advice.

Your cv must be clearly set out and detailled and accompanied by a handwritten covering letter. The curriculum vitae is different in Brazil : it must be very detailled, particularly concerning schooling and training, the recruitment officer wants all the information about your studies (primary onwards) as well as your past professional history - all your activities including training courses, your sport and cultural activities and interests. The pages should be typed and you should send copies of your diplomas, reports from training courses etc.

If you get an interview be well dressed and punctual.

The atmosphere is usually fairly relaxed and even friendly.

Be very careful not to appear pretentious about your know-how and don't exaggerate your professional competence. Stress rather your real competence, your ease of adaption, your mobility, your ability to work in a team and your willingness to bring in the experience you have gained. It never hurts to be modest and may put you on good terms with your interviewer.

Working conditions.

The legal working time is 48 hours a week, with similar hours to Europe.
Working relations tend to be pleasant.

Wages :

Local salaries are very low, but are negociable. The minimum monthly salary is the lowest of all the Latin American countries. Basic living needs cost more in Brazil than a minimum salary, the legal minimum for a worker is 136 reais per month (540 FF). An executive earns about 10,000 reais per month.
8% of the monthly wage is retained for a special account, the F.G.T.S. (a guarantee fund relating to the length of service in the company).

Dismissal :

The law is quite flexible and dismissal can happen at any time. When a company lays off an employee he can apply for compensation in the form of a reimbursement of his F.G.T.S. If there has been a case of misconduct there is a 30 day notice. The employer has to pay a supplementary compensation equivalent to 40% of the total F.G.T.S. There is a special jurisdiction at the conciliation board.

Working and investing in Brazil :

Foreign investors who wish to create a company dealing with commercial activities, or in the sectors of foodstuffs, industry, computor science and various other activities can do so with no problem.

Brazilian law encourages the creation of limited companies (LTDA), (similar to Ltd in UK or SA or SARL in France). If you want to work for the administration or create a company you are not obliged to be or to hire a Brazilian, it is sufficient to be a resident.

The French-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce and the Trade Commission in Sao Paulo have combined to create a service to help small and medium size companies to study the Brazilian market. This service does marketing studies for the companies, offers a selection of operators, on-site missions and a follow up of 3 to 6 months.

Information on steps to follow and the necessary documents can be delivered by the authorities of the Brazilian Federal Police.

There is no legal minimum investment for a foreign investor, however if you do invest or are head of a company you will need about a million francs to get your resident's status.

Any investor leaving Brazil, whatever the reason, can repatriate his funds (the profits made).

NB Foreign capital must be registered with an organisme called FIRCE which is linked to the central bank of Brazil. No bank credit is given to small projects.

Some advice :

If you are setting up your own company in Brazil (which is a huge market, bureaucratically complex), here is some advice :
-it is very important to do a good market study before you leave for Brazil
-take all possible precautions at the legal level
-be very careful choosing your local partner
-work legislation in Brazil is fairly similar to Europe's
-the building works for your company could take from 6 months to 2 years from the date of the purchase of the land
-you must choose your location very carefully, taking into account distances, transport costs and delivery delays. Fiscal advantages are offered by some municipalities.
-you will have less administrative hassle if you set up your company in a free trade zone, but the costs are higher and the building time is longer
-to minimalize the problems of starting up a company (procedure, fiscal policies etc) it is better to create a limited company than to open a branch
-if you need financing, don't hope to find it in Brazil, the rates are prohibitive (between 20 and 25% and from 40 to 50% for personal bank loans!). If you are setting up a company you will need enough funds to last out for at least a year.
-the bureaucracy is so complex that a new profession has been created : the despachante, who is an intermediary who takes charge of all the administrative formalities for a company. Even if it seems an extra charge, this is an indispensable service.
-the market is very competitive, so use modern technologies.
16 - Formalities to be completed

Non-professional travelling

French nationals need a visa.
In order to get one you will need :
a passport valid for more than 6 months, a return ticket or a ticket with a continuation to another country (which can be replaced by a certificate from the travel agent), a filled in and signed visa form which you get from the consulate, an identity photo. The visa is not free and allows you to stay in the country for 90 days. You can get it extended once you are in the country, the local authorities will decide whether or not the extension can be accorded, the demand has to be made 15 days before the first visa expires.

A professional trip

You need a visa.
If it is a business trip, a tourist visa is sufficient.
If you are going for a temporary job with a Brazilian company you will need a temporary work visa. This visa is accorded for a 2 year maximum stay, and can eventually be renewed for the same amount of time.
An employee of a foreign company who is detached to a branch of his firm in Brazil must absolutely have a permanent work permit. His post must appear in the statutes of the Brazilian company.
A temporary work permit can be changed into a permanent work permit, the demand must be made to the Justice Ministry in Brazil.
17 - Health

Health and welfare :

All the salaried workers in Brazil are covered by the Brazilian social security system (INSS).
This covers treatment in the public hospitals. These are not very good, under-equipped and under-staffed. It is therefore highly advisable to subscribe to a private health and welfare insurance cover 'plano de saude', which, against a monthly payment of about 1,500 FF per family, gives a right to an excellent private system.
There is a risk of malaria in the north-west of the country. There is less risk along the Amazone, but high risk in mining and agricultural regions.

Vaccinations :

None are obligatory for a visit to Brazil, but it is recommended to be vaccinated against yellow fever and smallpox, especially if you are going to certain zones like the Mato-Grosso. (Remember that the smallpox vaccine is only valid for three years).
Adults should have the usual vaccines done (tetanos, polio), and children should get shots against measles. An anti-rabies vaccine is advisable if you are staying for a while.
All vaccinations should appear in an international certificate booklet (on sale in bookshops or travel agencies). If they were done by a doctor, his name, the municipality in which he works and his inscription number in the Order (with the code of the department) should be marked against the vaccination certificate.

18 - Transport

There are frequent flights between Paris and Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo (6 times a week), Brazilia and Recife, Belem and Manaos.
Varig is a Brazilian company flying from Roissy-Charles de Gaulle to Rio at 10.20 pm every evening.
Some flights stop over in Rio (Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays) and others in Salvador (Thursdays). The flight lasts 11 hours.

Air France has five flights a week, three of which are direct to Rio and two stop over in Recife.

Other companies. Tap Air Portugal, Iberia, Aerolineas, Argentinas.

There are no charter flights.

Internal transport :

As Brazil is such a vast country, most of the travelling is done by plane.
Also the train services are limited, there are less rails (only 30,000 kms) than roads.
Roads and highways covers over 1.5 million kms.
Not many people have cars, only one person in ten.

The main airline companies :
VASP, Transbrasil and Varig. T
here is a travel pass system of 5 flight vouchers for 440 dollars.
Airport taxes vary between 50 and 60 FF.

There are plenty of taxis and they are divided into two types, the first is reserved for business men (Executivos). Watch out for public transport, it takes lots of detours before arriving at the final destination. The underground network is rather limited.

There is a lot of maritime transport. Brazil has 35 major ports and deals with a global tonnage of 40% of all the Latin American cargo.


9 -Time differences

The time difference with France is -3 hours in winter and -5 hours in summer.

20 - Telecommunications

Telephone :

The telephone system works well.
The telephone booths look like big ears and work with cards that you can buy in newspaper kiosks and post offices.

How to phone Brazil from Europe :
Dial 00 55 followed by the indicative of the town and the number of your correspondent
(11 for Sao Paulo, 21 for Rio)

How to phone France from Brazil :
Dial 00 33 followed by the number of your correspondent.

Radio/Newspapers :

It is difficult to find a French daily paper in the kiosks in Sao Paulo, the best place is on the Avenida Paulista where you will find them, but at a very high price.
Local newspapers :
The Brasil Herald
La Tolha de Sao Paulo
L’O Estado
The Globo

You can pick up French radio stations but the reception in the towns is bad.
Record Capital and Globo are the two biggest local companies running over 150 private radios.
You can also pick up France Inter and Radio France International.

There are several private television channels :
La Globo Bandeirantes,
TVE éducaçao (public channel)

21 - Airports

There are 10 international airports in Brazil.
The international airport of Garulhos is 40 kms out of the centre of Sao Paulo.

22 - Car rental

Avis have offices in nearly all the towns in Brazil.
The telephone number of the central reservation office is :
0800 55 8066 (toll free) for national reservations
and from San Paulo : 253 2088.
For international reservations :
0800 19 8456 (toll free) and from San Paulo : 4225 8456
A few towns :
Belo Horizonte : 55 31 491 1422
Brasilia : airport 55 61 365 2344
Curitiba : 55 41 278 8808, airport 55 41 381 1383
Florianopolis : 55 48 225 7777, airport 55 48 236 1426
Fortaleza : 55 85 261 6785, airport 55 85 477 1303
Londrina : 55 43 330 4030, airport 55 43 325 1051
Manaus : 55 92 234 4440, airport 55 92 652 1579
Maringa : airport 55 44 226 7755
Natal : 55 84 215 5644, airport 55 84 215 5696
Navegantes : airport 55 47 3421777
Porto Alegre : 55 51 342 0400, airport 55 51 372 4344
Recife : 55 81 462 5069, airport 55 81 464 4016
Rio de Janeiro : 55 21 542 5299, airport 55 21 398 5060
Salvador : 55 71 245 2000, airport 55 21 377 2276
Sao Luis : 55 98 244 2350, airport 55 98 217 6180
Sao Paulo : 55 11 6721 9466/55 11 3865 5000, airport 55 11 6445 4294
Vitoria : 55 27 200 3999, airport 55 27 327 2348

All Avis cars are completely equipped, have done less than 15,000 kms and have an average age of 3 months.
The vehicles are carefully prepared and checked between each rental using a procedure containing 7 obligatory control points.
The cars are rented with a full tank.
Renting from Avis automatically means that the car passengers, renter and/or driver are covered by a third party insurance as well as an insurance covering repatriation and the immobilization of the vehicule in case of an accident.

You can reserve a car :
- from your travel agent
- from the international reservation centre at 0 820 05 05 05
- or from any Avis agency
Avis has an interactive network worldwide, a client can reserve a car instantly from anywhere in the world.

We recommend that you pay your rental using your accredited Avis card or with another credit card accepted by Avis : American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Diners.
Through a simple free membership system, Avis gives identity and/or payment cards, which are a real help for a rapid and efficient service.

REASSURING : No on-line payment, you can pay Avis directly at the agency when you return the car
RAPID : Avis has the quickest car rental reservation service on the web
ECONOMICAL : The cheapest rates on the market are available on the Avis microsite
COMPLETE : You can rent a car anywhere in the world.
The Avis network : 5000 agencies in 172 countries, is now on-line!
EFFICIENT : Find your town (you don't have to fill in the country), enter the date and click on estimate
PRACTICAL : You only have to fill in 4 boxes and you will receive an e-mail confirming the reservation.
You can even rent a vehicle at the last minute just round the corner or ... on the other side of the worl You can even rent a vehicle at the last minute just round the corner or ... on the other side of the world.

23 - Hotels & restaurants

5 star hotels are relatively cheap and their service is way above that of a 3 or 4 star hotel.


Hotel Intercontinental
Manages the feat of being silent in spite of being situated only one road away from the Avenue Paulista in the heart of the city. The bathtubs in each room are equipped with jacuzzis.

Eldorado Higienopolis
Old fashioned charm in this ex-palace which has fallen a bit into disuse but which still remains the preferred meeting place for the television actors from Globo.


Tropical de Bahia*****
292 rooms, in the centre of the town, it's main inconveniences are the noise and its distance from the sea.

Méridien Bahia*****
The biggest hotel in town, it is not in the centre, nor near the beaches. There are 426 rooms, a Jangada brasserie, an American style bar with good shows, a snack bar and a restaurant, a swimming pool, a sauna, a sports club, a tennis club, shops and a discotheque.

Sofitel Bahia*****
Considered to be the most pleasant hotel in town. The services are good quality : numerous sporting activities, art galleries, a pool, shops and hairdressers, a sauna, a games room, tennis court, volleyball court. It is 25 kms out of the centre and its only inconvenience is that there are not many rooms.


Rio Othon Palace*****
Situated in the centre of Copacabana it offers a view over the bay and on the Sugarloaf. There are 374 standard rooms on 23 floors and 110 luxury rooms, 19 suites and several VIP floors with VIP rooms. All the rooms have a view on the sea. There are several restaurants (Greek, Japanese and international), a piano bar, a ballroom for 450 people, 5 conference rooms, a reception area for VIPs, a pool, a sports club and a sauna.

Copacabana Palace*****
It belongs to the Orient Express Hotel chain and it dominates the beach. There are 223 rooms and suites (certain are being renovated) and various services : a restaurant, pool, sports room, meeting rooms, small salons and a theatre.

Mirador Rio Hotel****
Opened two years ago, this hotel is good value for money, in spite of being 400 meters from the beach near the Avenue Atlantica. There are 138 rooms on 12 floors, and a restaurant, bar, pool, sauna, three salons and a floor reserved for conferences.

Sheraton Rio*****
Situated at the end of the Leblon beach it is rather far from the main tourist centres. It has 617 rooms, restaurants, pizzerias, pool, tennis courts, sports club, sauna, etc.


Das Cataratas*****
It is nearly the only hotel installed in the natural park of Iguaça, near the waterfall. There are 200 rooms (only a few have a sea view), a restaurant, games room, pool, tennis court and shopping gallery.

24 - Your suitcase

From December to April take summer clothes, preferably in cotton or linen with one or two sweaters for the airconditioning and a raincoat.
For May to November take more woollens and a jacket for the evenings.
If you are going to Brazilia, Sao Paulo and the south coast take light clothing with something to protect you in the cool evenings and from the winter wind.
If you are going to Amazonia take cotton clothing which is easy to look after and covers you completely to avoid mosquito bites. You will probably also need a light jacket in this part of Brazil.


25 - Banks

Nine French banks are established in Rio de Janeiro.
The bank agencies are open from 10 am to 4 pm.
To withdraw money it is better to go the the bigger Banco do Brazil agencies.
They are the only ones, with the Banco National, able to do major operations.

Banco BNP Brasil S.A.
Rua Joaquim Floriano - 14° andar
04534-000-Sao Paulo (SP) - Brazil
Tel. : (55 11) 3048 90 00 - Fax (55 11) 3048 91 91
Telex : 31938 BNPR BR - Swift : BNPA BR SP
Swift : BNPA BR SP 

BNP Agency of Sao Paulo
Rua Joaquim Floriano - 14° andar
04534-000-Sao Paulo (SP)
Tel : (55 11) 820 6320 - Fax (55 11) 822 6493

26 - Schools & Schooling

There is no automatic equivalence between the French and the Brazilian diplomas.
To enter university a Brazilian student has to sit a very selective entrance exam, the vestibular.
It is prepared in private cramming courses known as cursinhos.
Public secondary schooling is not very good and people who can afford it send their children to private schools.
In fact nearly all the university students come from private schools.

There are three very good French schools, which cost from 12,000 to 34,000 FF per year.


Lycée François Mitterand,
Avenida W 4 Sul Quadra 907.BRASILIA DF.
Tel : 243 64 64
From pre-school to secondary (6th to 1st form).
The fees have to be paid in advance and paid month by month, they are for ten months and have to be paid in French francs.
French pupils have a 20% reduction.
The school year starts in September and ends at the end of June.


Lycée Molière,
Rua Pereira da Silva, 728 Laranjeiras Rio de Janeiro 22221-140
Tel : (55) 21 556 62 96 Fax : (55) 21 205 90 14 Internet :
Homologous level of education :
kindergarten : from 3 years old
primary: from CP to CM2
secondary : from the 6th form to the 3rd form - high school : from 2nd form to Terminals L-ES-S
N° of students : 689 of which 419 are French
Annual school fees : 31 000 FF
School year : February to December
Languages taught : 1st languages English and Portugues, 2nd languages : German and Spanish


Rua dos Navegantes 910. Boa Viagem.51021 RECIFE PE.Tel : (081) 326 80 02.
From pre-school (from 2 years old), to secondary (6th to 3rd forms).
The inscription fees must be paid in Brazilian currency and amount to a month's schooling. All students get 3 hours lessons of Portuguese per week.


Lycée Pasteur, Rua Vergueiro.3799, Vila Mariana.04101 SAO PAULO SP.
Tel : 5494822 or 5494165.Fax : 5716076. Internet :
From pre-school up to preparation for the IEP entrance exam.
Families who have several children in the school can get a reduction in the fees.
Homologous level of education.
Half-board and school bus.
kindergarten : from 3 years old
primary : from CP to CM2
secondary : from the 6th form to the 3rd form - high school : from 2nd form to Terminals L-ES-S
N° of students : 1,003 of which 526 are French
Annual school fees : 34,700 FF
School year : from February to December
Languages taught : 1st language English and Portuguese, 2nd language : German and Spanish
other : Latin.

You can ask for a school grant (if you are French) to help you to finance your studies or those of your children, you have to fulfill certain conditions however :

- the candidate and his family must reside in the country where the school is situated
- it must be a French school
- the person asking and his family must be registered with the Embassy
- these grants are only available for primary and secondary schooling, they can cover the fees, half-board or boarding
- they are for families who have financial difficulties.

27 - Guides

Collection Un marché : Brazil
A general view of the Brazilian economy, of the market approach, trading and practical advice. CFCE.41003 - 1994 - 199 pages, 120 frs.

Brazil : List of companies and products. Kompass. 76684 - 2 volumes - Annual - 1835 frs.

Conditions of access to Brazil. Note PEE (the Trade Commission) Brasilia. E34236/94X - 1994 - 55 pages, 345 frs.

Foreign investment in Brazil. Note PEE Rio Brasilia. E37738/94X - 1994 - 21 pages, 345 frs.

(all these documents are in French)

28 - Observations

The standard of living :

75% of households have running water, 88% have electricity and 73% have mains drainage.
Child mortality is four times higher than the average in industrialized countries, 56 for 1000.
Literacy is progressing, the rate is 84% nowadays.

The basic local diet is black beans and rice.
A European in Brazil can continue to eat as he is accustomed, but the quality of the food is usually not so good and it is very expensive.
Some things like French cheeses cannot be found.

Price of a restaurant : 160 to 320 FF
Price of a good quality hotel : 1 300 à 1 800 FF
Taxi airport -town centre (Sao Paulo) : 300 FF
Cinema seat : 55 FF

A bachelor needs 8,000 to 12,000 FF a month to live and a couple with two children will spend from
12,000 to 20,000 FF a month.

Salaries vary enormously from one region to another and are much higher in the Sao Paulo region.
On average a manager earns over 30,000 FF,a senior engineer about 10,500 FF,a commercial salesman about
6,000 FF and a bilingual secretary about 7,000 FF.

It is not difficult to find accomodation whether it is a flat or a house, but the prices are constantly going up. For instance a simple 3 room flat in San Paulo costs 8,000 - 10,000 FF a month, in the best districts you have to count about 4,000$ a month for 200 m2 with 3 bedrooms.
Watch out for the extra charges like caretaker, cleaning, water, garage etc which are extremely high.

It is difficult to get a French car repaired in Brazil because there are no French cars sold there.
There are however the same models as sold in France for Volkwagen, Fiat, Ford and Chevrolet.

Only private clubs offer sporting facilities (academias), the alternative is to jog in the parks in the main towns.

If you are an art lover there is a very dynamic cultural life in Brazil. Most of the bigger towns have their museums, their cultural centres and their temporary exhibitions.
In Sao Paulo, for instance, apart from the International Biennial of Plastic Arts there is also 90 theatres and 120 cinemas.

Practical recommendations :

If you live in Brazil don't make long term projects, in Brazil life is lived day by day, and you have to learn to be free the way the Brazilians are.

Don't be offended if you are called by your first name (with your university title to show respect), in Brazil it is normal to be quickly on first name basis.

It is advisable to be discreet about your wealth, don't flash it around, there is a certain amount of criminality and people are obsessed with security.

Don't forget to keep 36 dollars for the airport tax for your return flight.

29 - Tourism

Public Holidays

1st January

New Year's Day

20th January

São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro

15th February


16th February


17th February

Carnival (only in the morning)

2nd April

Good Friday

2st April


1st May

Labour Day

8th May

Victory Day 1945

3rd June

Corpus Christi

14th July

French National Day

7th September

Brazilian Independence Day

12th October

Nossa Senhora Aparecida

2nd November

Finados (Day of the Dead)

11th November

Armistice 1918

15th November

Proclamação da República

25th December

Christmas Day

The name Brazil comes from Pau Brasil, which is a red wood.

Brazil is a tourist heaven, you can find everything in this magnificent country : nature, carnival, exoticism in its art and culture.
With 800 kms of beaches, rivers, waterfalls and forests Brazil presents us with a colourful picture of paradise.
But under its tropical skies, splendid riches are mixed with the deepest poverty.
In Rio the sea is cold and dangerous, it is safer to swim in the hotel pool.
However in Sao Paulo the nearest coast line has wonderful beaches and at only 2 hours out of town you can find secluded ones.
Among its many cultural rites, you will discover Brazilian dances, particularly the Capoeira in Salvador (Bahia) and over a dozen folklore dances.
Also music, theatre and carnival where spring is welcomed to the sound of sambas, bossa-nova and cariocas.

The Carnival of Rio :

It started off as a little "stupid and naughty" game, called l'entrudo, imported by the Portuguese, where the aim was to throw a mixture of flour, vinegar and wine on passers by.
In the 19th century the game became a festival with streamers and confetti, and music with the legendary drums of Zé Pereira.
The Carnival as we know it today, only took its true dimension when the first samba schools opened up in 1929 in the Estacio district.
Over the years it has continued to grow, becoming a myth.

Day and night, for 72 hours, the main street overflows with a continual stream of masks and costumes, competing with each other in extravagance and creative genius.
Each 'tribe' has its batucada, its samba group. In the evenings everyone goes to the balls, only leaving at dawn.
Until Ash Wednesday, the last day of the carnival, the town lives at the rythme of this extraordinary festival where all the superstitions in the world have been mixed.

February is mid-summer, and temperatures vary between 30 and 35°, sometimes going up to 40°, but the sea breeze makes the heat bearable.

Not to be missed in Rio : a visit to Santa Teresa, an old Portuguese colony district, with its wheezy yellow trams.
A walk along the legendary overcrowded beach of Copacabana, the meeting place of every Carioca (as the inhabitants of Rio are known).

In Brazil you can

- go up the Sugar Loaf in the cable car and look out over the panorama of the beaches of Copacabana and Flamenco
- take a trip to Buzios, 130 kms north of Rio, it will take you several days to visit all of its 80 beaches
- cross the forest of Tijuca by train, it is the biggest urban tropical forest in the world, passing via the Taunay waterfall and finishing at the summit of Corcotado overlooking the bay of Guanabara
- if you are a football fan go to a match, if possible in the Macarana which is the biggest football stadium in the world (170,000 seats)
- go on a cruise on the Amazon
- take a dugout canoe ride on the Rio Negro
- visit a gold mine
- hunt or fish
- go on a photo safari in the forest and discover the monkeys, pumas, toucans, pink flamingoes, jaguars and lots of other animals.
The Amazonian fauna and the flora is really unforgettable.


You can admire or buy precious and semi-precious stones : aquamarines, saphires or emeralds
Silverware, leather and fossilized wood and other artisan work is also available.
Records : "Patrulha do samba", Oasis
"Harmonia do samba", Abril
"Swing tropical" Daniela Mercury


You can't leave Brazil without having gone to a carnival show evening in a samba school or spent an evening at the opera in Rio.


Brazilian cooking is very spicy. You will find a lot of tropical fruit, fish, lobsters, shrimps ...
- Mineira is a dish made of beans and rice, cabbage and thin slices of beef
- Muqueca de Peixe is a speciality made of garlic, onions, tomatoes and coriander over fish and shrimps. The end of the cooking is done in coconut milk.
- the Brazilian national dish, Feyoada, is made of beans with the feet, tail and ears of salted pork, sausages and smoked pork brisket, beef, garlic, onions and olive oil and it is eaten with boiled rice.
- Churrasco is an assortment of grilled meat
- Sarapatel is a mutton and pork stew with tomatoes, peppers and onions.

- Brazil makes its own rum, called Ccchaça
- A guarana is a sparkling drink of Amazonian fruit juice
- a maté or matche is an infusion of maté herbs, a drink of Indian origin

Lawyers accreditted by the French consulate


M. Samuel Grossman

Av. Ipiranga, 345 - s/ 505 São Paulo SP

Tel : (011) 259 80 49 / (011 ) 934 6020


M. Paulo G. Poyares dos Reis

Av. Pacaembú, 1456 01234-000 São Paulo SP

Tel : (011) 862 43 33 Fax : (011) 862 46 33


M. Plinio José Bittencourt

Av. Paulista, 2202 - conj. 115 - 11° andar 01310-200 São Paulo SP

Tel./Fax: (011) 284 61 56


M. Inez Amaral de Sampaio

Av. Brig. Faria Lima, 1744 - 6° 01451-001 São Paulo SP

Tel.: (011) 816 04 03 Fax.: (011) 210 44 85



Rua da Glória, 290, 13th floor CEP 20241-180 Rio De Janeiro, rj

Tel: (021) 509 99 32 Fax: (021) 224 16 08


M. João Mauricio DE ARAUJO PINHO

Rua Carmo, 11/2001 20011-020 Rio De Janeiro, rj

Tel: (021) 509 41 41 Fax: (021) 232 06 73



Rua Mexico, 31, 4th floor 20031-144 Rio De Janeiro, rj

Tel: (021) 533 36 41 Fax: (021) 240 46 21



Av. Agamenon Magalhaes, 3159 CEP 50110-000 Boa Vista - Recife.

Tel: (081) 423 4977 or 341 3161



Av. Agamenon Magalhaes,2764 Conjs 1302/1303 CEP 52020-000 Espinheiro-Recife.

Tel: (081) 421 5875




Rua do Diário de Pernambuco, N° 28, room 37 Edificio Bitury Santo Antônio - Recife.

Tel: (081) 224 15 67




Doctors approved by the French consulate



Consulting Room

Praia do Flamengo, 66/Bl. B/712 Rio De Janeiro, rj

Tel: (021) 265 86 37 or (021) 99 82 98 99 (cellular)



Maison de France

Avenida Presidente Antonio Carlos, 58, 10th floor 20020-010, Rio De Janeiro, rj

Tel: (021) 210 12 72 (Post 1145)or 544 19 90, or 99 85 34 12 (cellular)

From Monday to Friday from 14h00, at the Maison de France, 10th floor


Medical office

Rua Gonçalves Dias, 2904 Santo Agostinho 30140-093, BELO HORIZONTE, MG

Tel: (031) 337 73 06 Fax: (031) 292 27 67

BIP: (031) 220 13 55, code 42475

Dr. Silvio Romero MARQUES



- Av Portugal, 163 CEP 52010-010 Derby - Recife

Tel: (081) 423 33 99 / 326 74 72

Dr. Anacleto DE CARVALHO



- Rua Cardeal Arcoverde, 172 CEP 52011-240 Graças - Recife

Tel: (081) 221 15 62 or 221 18 19 / 421 14 12 973 14 83


Dr. Daniel Habib

Av. Dr. Arnaldo, 1670 - Sumaré São Paulo SP

Tel : (011) 871 12 77 Bip:(011) 870 50 70 cod: 8400


Dr. Philippe Morisot

Al. Casa Branca, 652 - cj 31

São Paulo SP

Tel : (011) 3064 6326 / 883-6039

cellular : 977-1058


Dr. Gerhard van Dem Bach

Av. Paulista, 2073 - Horsa I cj. 721

São Paulo SP

Tel : (011) 289 11 66


Dr. Gabriel Ventura

Av. São Gualter, 477 São Paulo SP

Tel : (011) 261 00 06

bip: 50858000 cod: AA22


Dr. Anna Cecilia Pánico Bailly

São Paulo SP

cellular : (011) 932 23 18


Dr. Maciel Carlos Ribeiro

Avenida Presidente Taunay, 1761 Curitiba PR

Tel : (041) 335-3772


Dr. Joaquim Klieman

Rua Prof. Annes Dias, 154 - s/ 1603 Porto Alegre RS

Tel : (051) 226-6131


Dr. Nelson Ribas

Rua Murillo Furtado, 88

Porto Alegre RS

Tel : (051) 334-1640


Dr. Alfonso Del Rio

Av. Rio Branco, 404 - Torre II - s/104 Florianópolis SC

res.: (048) 235-1357



Dr. Philippe Morisot,

Al. Casa Branca, 652 - cj 31 São Paulo SP

Tel : (011) 3064 6326 / 883-6039

cellular : 977-1058 Gynaecologists


Dr. Daniel Habib

Av. Dr. Arnaldo, 1670 - Sumaré São Paulo SP

Tel : (011) 871 12 77

Bip:(011) 870 50 70 cod: 8400


Dr. Gerhard van Dem Bach

Av. Paulista, 2073 - Horsa I cj. 721

São Paulo SP

Tel : (011) 289 11 66




Dr. Alexandre Barbosa de Almeida

Rua Oscar Freire,129 - casa 4

01426-001 São Paulo SP

Tel : (011) 280-0595 Pediatrician


Dr. Gabriel Ventura

Av. São Gualter, 477 São Paulo SP

Tel : (011) 261 00 06

bip: 50858000 cod: AA22


Dr. João Ferrario Lopes Neto

Rua Marechal Deodoro, 869 cj 605 Curitiba PR

Tel : (041) 225-6399

Cellular : (041) 972-7050


Dr. Anna Cecilia Pánico Bailly,

São Paulo SP

cellular : (011) 932 23 18



Driving Licence


To get a local driving licence you have to complete the following formalities :

- a certified translation of your French driving licence

- a certified photcopy of your French driving licence

- a 3/4 colour photo

- a photocopy of your resident's permit

- a RENACH form filled in (to get from a stationer's shop or from the consulate)

- a photocopy of your French identity card

- a local tax must be paid into a bank under code n° 208/9 (the amount should be checked at the time)

Once you have completed the file, take it to :


Avenida Presidente Vargas, 817 Rio De Janeiro, rj

Tel: (021) 590 97 44

French-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce

Trade Commission of Brasilia

Trade Commission of Rio de Janeiro

Trade Commission of São Paulo




( French-Brazilian Centre of Technical and Scientific Documentation)





Lycée Pasteur

Casa Santos Dumont Rua Vergueiro 3799

04101-300 São Paulo SP

Tel : (55) 11 574 78 22 / 18 16 Fax : (55) 11 571 60 76 Lycée François Mitterrand

Entrequadras Sul 708/907 Lote C Brasilia 70390 079

Tel : (55) 61 443 64 64 fax : (55) 61 443 91 25

Mail :

Lycée Pasteur

Casa Santos Dumont Rua Vergueiro 3799 Sao Paulo 04101-300

Tel : (55) 11 574 78 22 Fax : (55) 11 571 60 76


Alliances françaises

Direction Générale:

Rua General Jardim, 182 01223-010 São Paulo SP

Tel : 011 259 8211 / 011 259 8812

Fax : 011 231 2866 / 011 231 1016


Alliance Française

(Rua Recife, 222 - Barra Avenida - Salvador - BA (Brasil) -

Tel: (071) 336-7599 - Fax: (071) 336-7413) Trade Commission


Postal address :

Rua Marina Cintra, 94 01446-901 São Paulo - SP

Tel : 011 280 4333 / 011 3064 3767 Fax : 011 280 8744


Chamber of Commerce

Rua Fernades Coelho,85

1ro Andar

05423-040 São Paulo - SP

Tel : 011 867 8166

Fax : 011 211 6920 Agence France-Presse

AFP R. México, 21 - 7 andar - C.P. 2575 - Z-C 00

R eiro

Tel : (021)240-6634 - Fax:(021)262-1055


French Associations


Société de Bienfaisance 14 Juillet


President M. Pierre Dossa

Rua da Consolação, 3574 - CEP : 01416-000

Tel : 011 253-0933 / 011 280-4830



Association des anciens Combattants


President M. Jean Limay

Tel : 011 535 1905 Fax : 011 530 9200


Union des Français à l'étranger


President M.René Taulère

Tel : (012) 353-1344


Comité pour l'emploi


Permanences at the Consulate

last Thursday of the month from 14H00 à 17H00

At the Chamber of Commerce : Mme Marina Taste

Wednesdays and Fridays from 9H00 to 13H00


Association démocratique des Français à l'étranger


President M. Patrick Houdin

tel/fax : 011 574 1203



Association des parents d'élèves du lycées Pasteur


President M. Christian Mangé

Tel : 011 292 2622



Association Pauliste des anciens stagiaires Français

Français et élèves des Grandes écoles-ASPEF


President M. Carlos Eduardo Mendes Gonçalves

Tel : 011 221-8051


Association des Professeurs de Français de l'état de São Paulo


President M. Italo Caroni

Tel : 011 530 4778


Société Franco-Brésilienne de Médecine de São Paulo


President Sergio Talarico Filho

Secretary Thais Mariane

Tel : 011 270 6729 / 011 270 8241


São Paulo Accueil


Président Mme Eveline Duchêne

Al. Lorena, 990 - 2°


Tel/Fax : 011 853 3474



Association des bretons


President M. Jack Spencer

Tel : 011 7020 0465 / 011 9387 5030



Chapelle Française Saint-François de Sales


Reverend Père Marius Rossier

Rua Mairinque, 256 - CEP : 04037-020

Tel : 011 571 4609 / 011 275-4232



(Association Pernamboucaine des Anciens Stagiaires en France)


President : Mme Ina MELO

Rua Carlos Pereira Falcão, 191 / 201 Boa Viagem 1021-350 RECIFE

Tel.: (081) 467.4971


Association des professeurs de français de l'Alagoas


President: Diva Maria MOREIRA GOMES

Av. Humberto Mendes, 250 Poço 57025-060 MACEIÓ

Tel/Fax: (082) 223 51 60


Association des professeurs de français de Bahia


President: Rosilene GUIMARÃES

Rua Recife, 222 Barra

41140-330 SALVADOR

Tel: (071) 247 74 13



Association des professeurs de français du Ceará


President: Wandira dos SANTOS TAMIARANÃ REGO

Rua Alísio Mamede, 450/103 - bl. B Varjota 60175-310 FORTALEZA

Tel/Fax: (085) 267 69 49

Alliance Française : (085) 231 86 58




Association des professeurs de français du Maranhão


President: Maria de Fátima SOPAS ROCHA

Av. Edson Brandão, 291 Cutim/Anil 65045-380 São Luís

Fax: (098) 232 77 46 (Alliance Française)

Tel: (098) 217 83 13 / 217 83 14

University : (098) 217 80 60 (direct line)

Fax university : (098) 217 80 56


Association des professeurs de français de la Paraíba



Av. Umbuzeiro, 605 Manaíra 58038-180 JOÃO PESSOA

Fax : (083) 221 20 10 (Alliance Française)

Tel.: (083) 216 74 02 (University)


Association des professeurs de français du Pernambuco


President: Josenita MONTEIRO GIRARD

Rua Barão de Souza Leão, 1241/204

(endereço comercial : ESPACE FRANÇAIS)

Boa Viagem 51030-300 RECIFE

Tel: (081) 461 11 20 (recepção) (081) 341 90 34 (sala de aula)


Association des professeurs de français du Piauí


President: Sylvia Teresa PEREIRA CLARK

Rua Lemos Cunha, 1587 Ininga 64049-600 TERESINA

Fax : (086) 237 18 12

Tel : (086) 237 12 11 ramal 256 (University)

Association des professeurs de français du Rio Grande do Norte


President: Antônio Custódio DA SILVA

Rua Carlos Eduardo Câmara, Bl. 12 - apt° 201 59089-000 PARNAMIRIM / RN

Tel: (084) 215 26 47 Fax: (084) 221 22 32


Association des professeurs de français du Sergipe


President: Givaldo MELO DE SANTANA

Rua Pacatuba, 288 49010-150 ARACAJU

Tel/Fax : (079) 222 72 34


Fédération brésilienne des professeurs de français


President : M. Dário Fred PAGEL

C.P. 5063 88040-970 Florianópolis - SC

Tel.: (048) 231 97 09

Fax : (048) 222 59 99 - 228 11 17 - 231 99 88 Alliances françaises


São Luis (Maranhão)

Av Getulio Vargas, 1973 Monte castelo 65 020-001 SAO LUIS - MA

B.P 400 - CEP 65 010-310

Tel/Fax: (098) 232 77 46


Fortaleza (Ceara)

Rua Catão Mamede, 900 ALDEOTA 60 115-281 FORTALEZA

Tel : (085) 244 70 56 Tel/Fax : (085) 244 78 87


Rua Major Facundo, 1172


Tel: (085) 231 86 58


Natal (Rio Grande do Norte)

Praça Pedro Velho, 459 - Petrópolis

C.P. 201 59 020 - 030 - NATAL - RN

Tel : (084) 222 15 58 Fax : (084) 221 38 90


João Pessoa (Paraiba)

Av. General Bento da Gama, 396 - Torre

58 040 - 090 - JOÃO PESSOA - PB

Tel/Fax : (083) 222 65 65



Recife ( Pernambouc)

Rua Amaro Bezerra, 466 - Derby

52 010 - 150 - RECIFE - PE

Tel : (081) 221 38 85

Tel/Fax : (081) 222 09 18



Rua Ernesto de Paula Santos, 960 - Boa Viagem

51 021 - 350 - RECIFE - PE

Tel: (081) 325 43 12



Maceió ( Alagoas)

Av. Humberto Mendes, 250 - Poço

B.P. 125 57 025 - 060 - MACEIO - AL

Tel: (082) 223 51 60

Tel/Fax : (082) 223 51 60


Aracaju (Sergipe)

Rua Pacatuba, 288 - Centro B.P. 237 49 010 - 150 - ARACAJU - SE

Tel/Fax: (079) 211 98 68



Salvador ( Bahia )

Rua Recife, 222 - Barra 40 140 - 330 - SALVADOR - BA

Tel : (071) 336 52 59 / (071) 336 75 99

Fax: (071) 336 74 13

Internet site :




Cultural Centres


Fortaleza (Ceara)

Av. da Universidade, 2683

60 021 - 970 FORTALEZA - CE

Tel/Fax: (085) 281 67 51


Campina Grande (Paraíba)

Rua Vigolvino Wanderley, 214

58 102 - 368 CAMPINA GRANDE - PB

Tel: (083) 341 33 00 - Post 16


Teresina (Piaui)

Universidade Federal do Piaui

SG.9 - S.1- Campus Universitario Teresina 64 050 - 000 TERESINA

Tel: (086) 237 12 11 - Post 256 Fax: (086) 237 18 12




Livraria Francesa

Rua Barão de Itapetininga, 275

Tel : 011 231 9244


Livraria Cultura

Avenida Paulista, 2073

Tel : 011 285 4033


Alliance Française

Rua Alaor Queiroz de Araujo, 200

Enseada do Suá 29 055-010, VITORIA, ES

Tel: (027) 345 14 98 Fax: (027)

Torre Norte, 14 Andar 01310-200 São Paulo - SP

Tel : 011 287 95 22 Fax : 011 283 15 86

French Consul in Rio de Janeiro
Postal address :
Avenida Presidente Antonio Carlos, 58
Tel: (0055-21) 210 12 72 Fax: (0055-21) 240 81 92 or 262 16 65





Rio de Janeiro


Baixada Fluminense

Duque de Caxias


Barra Virtual

Barra da Tijuca


Burro (O)

Barra da Tijuca





Caderno Zero



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