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In 2001 the economic growth suffered from negative repercussions. The results were really low, Venezuela had regressed more than 7%, imports dropped by 3.4% compared to 1998 and the PIB by 6% compared to 1997.
The economic level is sustained by foreign investors who show a general confidence in the future of the South American countries where the governments continue to open up the economies.
Venezuela did not get as much capital investment last year, only 1.2 billion dollars, due to violence and crisis situations.
[To read]
Despite mergers between private companies and Petroleos (PDVSA, the public Venezulan company) to create joint companies, the state still has control of this sector.
[To read]
Caracas : Caracas is the capital of Venezuela with 3.8 million inhabitants, more than half of whom live in shantytowns. It is 24 kms from the sea which separates the town from the Sierra Del Avila (in the Miranda region). It has an airport : Maiquetia. Barquisimeto is a big commercial centre situated at an altitude of 566 meters and has a population of 430,000 inhabitants. [To read]
What questions you should ask yourself before going to live abroad: What job am I going to do? How long is the contract? Do I go alone or with the family? What is life like locally? What will I do when I get back, and how does the future shape up economically? Do I have all the qualities required in an expatriate? [To read]

Political Status
Venezuela is a federal pluralist state. It is a republic with a semi-presidential regime, the Head of State is Mr Hugo Chavez who is President of the Republic.
The president is elected by general election for a 5 year term of office.
There is a Chamber of Representatives composed of 200 members and 46 senators also elected by general election for a 5 year period.

A few historical dates :
1830 Independence of Venezuela
2nd February 1984 M. Lusinchi, a social democrat, was elected President
4th December 1988 M. Carlos Andres Perez was elected President
21st May 1993 M. Carlos Andres Perez was prosecuted for the embezzlement of government stocks.
He was replaced by Ramon Velasquez.
31th August 1993 The congress official removed President Andres Perez from office.
5th December 1993 M. Rafael Caldera (78 ) was elected President.

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